» » V Masarykových rukou (2014)

V Masarykových rukou (2014) Online

V Masarykových rukou (2014) Online
Original Title :
V Masarykových rukou
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Jan Rousek
Cast :
Eva Neugebauerova Hanka,Ladislav Richard Hanka,Ladislav Jaroslav Hanka
Writer :
Jan Rokusek
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :

In 1928, during a state visit to the small town of Zdár nad Sázavou, in the heart of the Czech-Moriavian Highlands, Tomás Garrigue Masaryk lifted three-year old Eva Neugebauer up from the ... See full summary

V Masarykových rukou (2014) Online

In 1928, during a state visit to the small town of Zdár nad Sázavou, in the heart of the Czech-Moriavian Highlands, Tomás Garrigue Masaryk lifted three-year old Eva Neugebauer up from the crowd. He held up the child, gussied up by her mother in a kroj (the traditional Czech native costume) and bearing a bouquet for the president. Fortunately the attending press photographer, Jano Srámek had the presence of mind to take a picture. From this fortuitous moment an iconic image was born, linking Masaryk's enlightened humanism to a nascent Czechoslovak statehood in a symbolic picture of the elder statesman holding aloft the future of his nation. The photo flew around the world as an immensely popular image, just before the Nazi invasion and just after Masaryk's death. It was later transformed by the gifted Czech engraver Bohumil Heinz into a postage stamp. The great Czech writer and Nobel Prize nominee Karel Kapek pushed for the stamp being used as fund-raiser for needy children and the ...
Cast overview:
Eva Neugebauerova Hanka Eva Neugebauerova Hanka - Herself
Ladislav Richard Hanka Ladislav Richard Hanka - Himself
Ladislav Jaroslav Hanka Ladislav Jaroslav Hanka - Himself
Jan Rousek Jan Rousek - Himself (voice)
Tomás Garrigue Masaryk Tomás Garrigue Masaryk - Himself (archive footage)
Erik Johnson Erik Johnson - Himself
Janet Hanka McLemore Janet Hanka McLemore - Herself (archive footage)

Tomás Garrigue Masaryk, the first free President of Czechoslovakia, was married to an American, Charlotte Garrigue, and took her family name as his own middle name.

Producer Jan Rousek is the great-nephew of Eva Neugebauerová Hanka, the "little girl on the stamp".

Eva Neugebauerova Hanka is one of only a few people who have known both the first free President of Czechoslovakia (Tomas Masaryk) as well as the first free President of the Czech Republic (Vaclav Havel). When she met with Vaclav Havel shortly after he became the new president, he jokingly said to her "Pardon me, Mrs. Hanka, if I don't pick you up this time!"

Ladislav R. Hanka, a well known independent artist and son of Eva Hanka, also created the artwork for many of the bottle labels for the Bell's Brewing Company of Kalamazoo, MI.

Dr. Ladislav J. Hanka was a cancer researcher and microbiologist for the UpJohn Company, where he discovered the basic compounds leading to the development of Vidaza (Azacitidine, originally named "Ladakamycin" in his honor), which is used highly effectively in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a type of blood cancer, as well as discovering a number of other pharmaceuticals.