» » Azurite (2015)

Azurite (2015) Online

Azurite (2015) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Maud Garnier
Cast :
Alba Gaïa Bellugi,Alain Rimoux,Anthony Bajon
Writer :
Marie-Sophie Chambon,Maud Garnier
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Salome, 15 years old, works in her father's workshop, a famous painter for his blue color. But now that the painter, too old, is no longer able to make his famous color, jeopardizing his ... See full summary

Azurite (2015) Online

Salome, 15 years old, works in her father's workshop, a famous painter for his blue color. But now that the painter, too old, is no longer able to make his famous color, jeopardizing his workshop. Salome begins to hope that her father forward its closely guarded secret until then ...
Cast overview:
Alba Gaïa Bellugi Alba Gaïa Bellugi - Salomé (as Alba Gaia Bellugi)
Alain Rimoux Alain Rimoux - Le père
Anthony Bajon Anthony Bajon - Timanthe