» » Grip (2009)

Grip (2009) Online

Grip (2009) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Matt Wildash
Cast :
Christopher Pizzey,Sadie Lyth,Timothy Michael
Writer :
Matt Wildash
Type :
Time :
1h 28min
Rating :
Grip (2009) Online

Jamie, a thirty-something actor concerned that his chance of hitting the big time may have already passed, is on the verge of quitting the business for good. He is gently coerced by his best friend, Oscar, into joining him to go to the country for the summer on the promise of a juicy role in a low budget horror film. He vows to both his girlfriend, Alex, and to himself that this will be his very last acting job. Jamie puts his life on hold to escape the relative safety of the big city, only to quickly discover that the role Oscar had in mind for him was not quite what he was expecting. Upon meeting the film's kooky director, Kelly, he also discovers a kindred spirit who begins to turn his attention away from his suddenly very needy girlfriend back in London.
Cast overview:
Christopher Pizzey Christopher Pizzey - Jamie
Sadie Lyth Sadie Lyth - Kelly
Timothy Michael Timothy Michael - Oscar
Claire Chate Claire Chate - Alex
Peter Barfield Peter Barfield - Charlie
Brandy Doubleday Brandy Doubleday - Lucy
Andrew McDonald Andrew McDonald - Johnny
Michelle Edwards Michelle Edwards - Bridget
David Norfolk David Norfolk - Mark (as David Frost)
Clive Dunn Clive Dunn - Director
Mariam Issimdar Mariam Issimdar - Jamie's Agent
Martyn Friend Martyn Friend - Producer (as Martin Friend)
Lawrence McGrandles Jr. Lawrence McGrandles Jr. - Cinema Manager
Stephanie Lammond Stephanie Lammond - Cinema Box Office Assistant
Rayisa Kondracki Rayisa Kondracki - Minnie