» » Alienated (2015)

Alienated (2015) Online

Alienated (2015) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Brian Ackley
Cast :
George Katt,Jen L. Burry,Taylor Negron
Writer :
Brian Ackley
Type :
Time :
1h 21min
Rating :
Alienated (2015) Online

After seeing a UFO, a man and his skeptical wife are forced to confront their relationship issues.
Cast overview:
George Katt George Katt - Nate
Jen L. Burry Jen L. Burry - Paige (as Jen Burry)
Taylor Negron Taylor Negron - Griffin

The final onscreen appearance of Taylor Negron.

User reviews



I am a real person, who really saw this movie, and has nothing at all to gain from leaving a positive and or negative review. Read below for my criteria on how I rate these movies. Some people seem to be complaining about the positive review ratio, not sure if those are valid concerns or not. I am not friends with the actors or distribution manager or anything like that, I chose to see this movie on a suggestion.

Alienated is one of those movies that reminds anyone that has been in a a deteriorating long term relationship exactly how petty, small, and jaded we can become.

First, for all the talk of aliens in this movie, you can replace the aliens with just about any "fantastic" object and or situation and the movie still plays. The "aliens" are just the beginning of a conversation. This is not an Alien movie in my opinion, it is a movie about relationships. If you are going in expecting a sci-fi flick you'll be surprised to find out it isn't.

The movie opens with Nate, played by George Katt, witnessing a strange event/phenomenon. As he walks back into his house, the first thing you notice is he doesn't run in and tell his wife Paige, played by Jen Burry, what he just saw. They begin typical couple chit-chat as they prep for a party, but they have a subtle, yet noticeable little nag back and forth.

As thing progress, you begin to note that not all is well in this household. There are petty jealousies and simply inane and pointless bickering. The movie is uncomfortable at some points because we all either know a couple in this situation or have been there ourselves.

Enter, Griffin, played by the immortal Taylor Negron. Griffin is the next-door neighbor that offers Nate some insights into his life. Negron does not play a big part, but as a veteran actor he does a great job with his part. Would have liked to see more of him in this movie.

I won't spoil it too much, but I look at this movie differently than most of the other reviewers. I see Griffin as a Jiminy Cricket character. In my opinion, he is just the subconscious thoughts of Nate and doesn't actually "exist".

The end of the movie (which I won't spoil) isn't really what it appears to be. It is an illustration of exactly how when we are caught in these bad situations and relationships the entire world outside out little "Situation" just evaporates. There can be an alien invasion, a nuclear blast, or whatever, but we are just focused on the small things and missing the big picture, like maybe actually caring or no longer caring for the other person.

I liked the movie. I was pleasantly surprised and it was worth my time.

**** My rating system ****

I have rated well over 700 movies on IMDb, and written reviews for quite a few. I try to take a scientific approach and as a result, my ratings fit a bell-curve pattern as would be expected over a large sample set. I am slightly skewed on the tail (Hey, when I hate a movie I hate it) and slightly under represented on the head (Hard to find a perfect 10 IMHO).

I rate Independent flicks against independent flicks, and I rate big Hollywood against big Hollywood. It is not fair to take a movie that cost tens of thousands of dollars or less and compare it to a movie that costs 7 or 8 figures (Maybe 9!) With unlimited retakes, huge production crews, massive marketing budgets, teams of professional writers/re-writers etc I expect more out of big Hollywood movie. I try to rate equally on story.

I like to take the time to write reviews about smaller independent movies rather than movies that 1000s of reviews as I hope some one takes what I write seriously rather than getting lost in a cacophony of similar voices.


I can't say I'm a big review writer, nor can I speak for everyone because my partner fell asleep during this movie but bear with me. I watched it because I had recently given up on Apollo 18 and it happened to be lumped into the same genre and couldn't be bother looking any further. I read the reviews on it after watching, which doesn't make sense but the reviews did and I'll explain. If you are in a relationship now or have been in a long term relationship before then you will understand what the characters are getting at. There are no special effects and nothing that particularly stands out at all I hate to admit BUT it did provide something. It more or less revolves round a couple trying to understand each other and get frustrated with each other in the process. Morbid curiosity kept me watching as the married couple tore into each other and if I got one thing from the movie it's a few tips/lines on how to defuse my next argument with my other half.

For that it's worth a 6.


I gotta say I wasn't to sure about this one, but as a married man, this one evoke emotions I sometimes feel. A very good story, great dialogue, and good performances by three actors, two I watched for the first time deliver great roles in this movie that really goes into the heart of any and every true marriage. I say to young couples starting out, give this one a whirl, You'll probably see yourself in it. I really like movies that appeal to may intellect and not just my emotional side. Not much more to say other than, this is definitely worth the watch. I enjoyed it very much. Gonna recommend to some friends. Hopefully, they'll enjoy it just as much as I have.


With a name like "Alienated" you might think this is a sci-fi or commentary on society type of movie. NOPE, it's about relationships. one in particular of a married couple struggling with their marital issues. But it does start with a man seeing a UFO, By definition a UFO is unexplained, he tells his wife and she doesn't buy it. Then the problems start as the movie breaks down into everything both of the couple have issues with regarding their marriage... such as kids(none) and so on. I've personally never seen anything like it and think they left enough room for a sequel. The movie does hit the nail on the head when it goes into the dialog the husband and wife talk/yell at each other and not wanting to give away the ending, it's best for me to say "watch it".


I don't normally write reviews but I am compelled to write one for this excellent movie. Firstly I must say that I felt like I was having an out of body experience witnessing my own life to the letter from afar. This movie was so close to the bone it was almost therapy.

Brilliant script, brilliant acting, it is NOT a SCi-Fi movie at all but a movie about a couple with differing opinions and outlooks on life.

It is quite slow in the first half but after I realized what I was witnessing on screen, I became fully Immersed. In fact, I need to watch it again. So should everyone.

Now it's time for my wife to watch it. She plays the lead actress very well. I want her to watch it alone as I don't think I could sit through it with her because the dialogue is so close to our real life experience. So eerie to watch your own life unfold in front of you.


Alienated perhaps is a good title for this film. It opens with a guy staring up at the sky at some UFO. He filmed it and says nothing more about it as he walks back into his house. His wife comes home and they have their perfunctory conversation about the most mundane of things that goes along with seven years of being together, four of which is the marriage. But then something happens in the course of their conversation. Little bits of small bombs are dropped into the dialogue as they have conflict. He then expresses his concern of what he filmed earlier after she gets home. He wants her to watch the video now but she dismisses it and instead opt to take a bath first then see it. This of course leads to a source of consternation between the two. My thought with that was just watch the damn video, that 's under five minutes, while you rum your bath water. But no, she stands her ground for the most pedestrian of reasons and it leads to more heated conversation and eventually she text him while in the house to drag out the argument even more so. This really isn't about science fiction, it's the implosion of a marriage. It's stupid to think about the shat if's of life when you see these two speak about the most trivial of things. If only she just took 5 minutes to watch the stupid video and be dome with it. After all is said and done, the last scene sums it up and it took forever to get there. No sci-fi, just a conversation about a marriage.


I am eager to see this movie again, and likely more than twice. I want to see the opening artwork again, in light of having seen the whole movie.

I got caught up in the characters and loved the "real" dialogue, and humor. They said what I would have said several times. So, feeling the frustrations of the characters myself I wanted to know if it would resolve the way my emotions were taking me.

Taylor Negron's character was so interesting, his words insightful! Thought-provoking lines I need to hear again to process more.

The characters were shared with us over time as onion layers are peeled back.

I wasn't ready for the end.


This film is very complex. On one end, it is about marriage and its difficulties. On the other end, its about conspiracy theorists.

Yes, conspiracy theorist are often over the top and too imaginative, but other times they might be on to something.

What is the government hiding at Area 51?

Why did the Twin Towers implode instead crumble in different directions during 911?

Why are there so many cover ups?

Do these things rarely pan out to be a real conspiracy? Yes. But sometimes, something is really there and worth listening to.

Nate is one of those people who doesn't believe everything he is told, and thank god there are people in the world like that.


This is a movie labeled as a Drama & Sci-Fi Thriller, but what that label fails to mention is the subtle humor that permeates the entire film. The humor is dry and dark, but should not be overlooked because it breathes life into the characters. This film is an artists rendition of a troubled relationship with Aliens as a back drop that feels at once real and believable.

The dialogue is very strong and the actors play off each other very well. Taylor Negron is an interesting character that brings balance to the tension between the leads.

I've thought about this movie a lot since I watched it and would like to see it again. It a relief to know that movies with depth and feeling can still be made without million dollar budgets.


Okay, I'll be frank - I expected a little something different. perhaps, different and somewhat more suspenseful. This film kept me on the edge of my seat for one reason - I had to know if watching one scene of failed communication between lovers after another for an hour would be worth my time in the end. I admit - it was worth it. The ending was totally unpredictable, in the psychological thriller genre style. And it worked. The acting - really good jobs by both the protagonist actors. I also really enjoyed the supporting actor's performance - Negron's - whose acting reminded me of Al Pacino's in the Scent of a Woman. Overall, I'd say: watch this movie with a glass of wine and a slice of good, aged, expensive cheese to make it through the first 40 minutes or so. After that, you begin to appreciate your time with these characters more and more.


Saw this film at the Sun and Sand Mississippi Film Festival and I really liked it. For me this whole experience was surreal because it was Taylor Negron's last performance. I don't want to give anything away but it was kind of a strange coincidence that this was his last movie. George Katt as Nate blew me away. What an underrated actor! And Jen Burry showed the world why she has already won Best Actress for this performance. It could not have been easy to have such a balanced performance when Katt kept pushing all of her buttons in nearly every scene. These 2 actors had great chemistry and so did Katt and Negron! The script had some of the best dialogue I have seen in an indie film in years. Very well done by the writer. My only problem with the film was ow slow it moved in the 1st half. But for those that like a slow burn you will have no problem, with the pacing like I did. It is slow for a average movie goer but no problem for those that like character based movies instead of expensive special effects popcorn fests.


I loved this movie. It is not your typical sci fi theme film but it is still very interesting. I felt that the film is interested in more than just traditional science fiction themes. It is more about our lives in relation to potentially catastrophic events. The film made me ponder - "in the grand scheme of things, what is really important?" Certainly not the problems we create for ourselves. Similar to Woody Allen's Manhattan (though a completely different type of film), it asks us about more than just aliens and spacecrafts. Taylor Negron was really interesting. His character Griffin is like an all-knowing sage who knows more than it seems. This was an eerie performance from Negron, who seemed to understand that life and death is more important than our own self importance. It really made me think.


From the very first conversation between the main characters to the final scenes I was captivated. The dialogue is dense and full of meaning. Nate and Paige's back and forth was like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You always figure the next flip will be the last, but then it keeps going. I would say that this is the main reason I'm giving it a 7/10. There are no "big" special effects except for a few here and there throughout. The draw for this movie is how real and visceral the conversations/arguments are in light of the events going on around them.

Those who aren't married or who haven't been in a truly committed relationship may find the dialogue to be a bit much. But this is what relationships can become when two people start to lose respect for one another. If I could make an analogy to this, it would probably be the movie Ransom with Mel Gibson. I couldn't really get how crazy he was acting because, at the time, I had no children. But now that I do I have a whole new appreciation for that movie.

TLDR: If you love movies with dense, rich dialogue that dive head first into relationship struggles and perils, watch this. If you're looking for a popcorn shoot 'em up then wait for the next Transformers mess.


What a great film! Intimate and thought provoking with strong undercurrents of suspense through out the film. It gives a detailed portrait of the couple Nate (George Katt) and Paige (Jennifer Burry) as they navigate their changing relationship as they try to come to terms with a mysterious sighting. Excellent performances by both Katt and Burry with a script that delves into the heart of each loaded conversation as the couple circles and spars. It gives you a great look into each character as they lay out all of their hopes, flaws, quirks, and hot buttons with an intimacy that so closely borders on claustrophobia as those worries and insecurities begin to take over. An intriguing turn by Taylor Negron as Griffin, the couple's neighbor who both feeds into the Nate's obsession and provides a gut reality check at times. Wonderfully shot with an eye for the detail of daily life.


I saw this film at a film festival and it surprised me. I was expecting a depressing tone and instead we were laughing along with the entire audience. The dialogue was at times cutting and sometimes harsh but it was really funny in a cerebral way. The way we communicate during tough times with people we love is really examined in this movie. The actors' performances stole the show. George Katt was amazing as the self absorbed Nate. Jen Burry was incredible as his wife Paige. Taylor Negron was a revelation. This was his last film unfortunately but it was one of his most revealing and honest in my opinion. I wish he were here to see how well his performance is being received. His performance along with the other actors and the film itself was well deserving of the awards it has won! A great job by writer/director Brian Ackley. The film will not be for everyone and it doesn't need to be.


This film is pretty intense. Its not at all a feel-good movie. Its better. Its an honest movie. The way we sometimes don't even consider our partner's feelings is sometimes scary. At the same time, Paige could have been a little more supportive. I won't give way the end but those that saw it know why. This is why I think we should always respect each other's feelings. The language may be a little harsh for some. Especially the fights because they can get intense and verbose. But this kept me interested. It wasn't just some stupid alien movie. It was about way more than that. Thanks for not insulting our intelligence.


1st of all if you're expecting a Sci-Fi flick like I was, forget about it.Nate *sees* what he thinks is a UFO (I didn't see a thing) at the start of the movie & that was the only thing UFO related about Alienated (Hey that rhymes) The rest of the movie is Nate & Paige working out their relationship issues (That's it, That's all) Starting out I really was expecting Alienated to be a Sci-Fi flick but it was such a good movie that I didn't care that it wasn't what I expected it to be.Alienated was really painful to watch at times though.It's like the feeling you get when you watch a couple fight in public.You HATE seeing it happen but what can you do? Other than sit there, cringing (GREAT job by George Katt & Jenn Burry because they had me cringing the entire movie) & hoping it will be over soon.If I knew a couple like Nate & Paige I'd tell them to end their relationship already.They were fighting over every single little thing & I mean EVERY single little thing.Alienated is a movie that's most definitely worth watching once & even more than once but once was enough for me.RIP Taylor Negron


I really enjoyed this film! The writing and dialogue was incredible throughout the whole movie. I felt like I was watching a real couple the whole time and I could really relate. The film is considered a Sci-Fi, but it could also be considered a drama. Either way, it was a good concept. Taylor Negron probably played my favorite character of the film. It's sad that it was his last flick, but he went out doing a great job and leaving a legacy. I think my favorite part about the feature is probably the title and how it gave it a whole new meaning when it was over. I also did not expect the ending, but it was a nice little twist! Definitely worth it!


the opening credit sequence in this film was well done and kind of foreshadowed the themes in the movie. a possible alien invasion? abduction? i wont give it away but you decide when u see it. but what the credit sequence did not foreshadow was how funny a lot of this movie is. the audience was in stitches, which was odd when u consider the subject matter. i think the scene in the bathroom between paige and nate was the funniest scene i have seen in all year. it was so disrespectful but true to his character. i thought about that scene long afterwards and how self centered we sometimes are without even knowing it. kudos to the superb writing and the brilliant performances by the cast. when this film is released nationally i am going to purchase it for sure.


ALIENATED is an indie relationship drama masquerading as a science fiction movie. The main couple in the film witness a UFO sighting at the outset and there's some chat about conspiracy theories but the rest is a merely humdrum concoction all about a bickering couple hanging around in their house. The pacing is snail-slow and the actors feel bored by the whole thing, and you can hardly blame them.