» » Ain't No Sunshine (2008)

Ain't No Sunshine (2008) Online

Ain't No Sunshine (2008) Online
Original Title :
Ainu0027t No Sunshine
Genre :
Movie / Short
Year :
Directror :
Charles McDermott
Cast :
Angie Medrano,Christian Cardinal,Pierre-François Bouffard
Type :
Rating :
Ain't No Sunshine (2008) Online

It's a beautiful night, young and shy Andrea is closing the restaurant. On her way out, she stumbles on two dangerous criminals, who are not so happy to have a witness on their score. But as soon as they moved, a dark figure emerges from darkness and saves the young lady's life. After a rough night, Andrea decides to go look for her savior and maybe to go beyond the mask.
Cast overview:
Angie Medrano Angie Medrano - Andréa
Christian Cardinal Christian Cardinal - D - Héros
Pierre-François Bouffard Pierre-François Bouffard - Killer