» » No Brakes (2013)

No Brakes (2013) Online

No Brakes (2013) Online
Original Title :
No Brakes
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / Action / Sport
Year :
Directror :
Catherine Cochard
Cast :
Georgina Armstrong,Jonathan Arthur,Zach Bartholomay
Writer :
Catherine Cochard
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Please meet with the people behind the most amazing actions on screen: Hollywood stuntmen.

No Brakes (2013) Online

No brakes tells the story of stunt women and stuntmen. Why they risk limbs and life for their job and why their happy spot is in the shade of an industry obsessed with the limelight. Newcomers, third generation and legends of the industry: they all express their passion for an occupation that takes a certain mindset. The story takes place in Los Angeles area and takes the viewers on a very special stunt driving lesson with Jim Wilkey, a legend in the industry. Amongst many other tricks, he was the man who flipped the semi truck in the Dark Knight Rises. We drive with Jim, meet newcomers like Alex Kingi (son of Henry Kingi) or Georgina Rawlings (daughter of Vic Armstrong, British stunt double of Indiana Jones and James Bond) and drive again with other accomplished stuntmen like Harry Wowchuk or Rick Seaman. Later on, we meet with Heidi Moneymaker, Scarlet Johansson stunt double. Other stuntmen brings their passion to the documentary and tell their stories and memories of movie sets. As...
Credited cast:
Georgina Armstrong Georgina Armstrong - Herself (as Georgina Rawlings)
Jonathan Arthur Jonathan Arthur - Himself
Zach Bartholomay Zach Bartholomay - Himself
Chris Carnel Chris Carnel - Himself
Wyatt Carnel Wyatt Carnel - Himself
Chris Christansson Chris Christansson - Himself
J. Mark Donaldson J. Mark Donaldson - Himself
Danny Downey Danny Downey - Himself
Oliver Keller Oliver Keller - Himself
Alex Kingi Alex Kingi - Himself
Heidi Moneymaker Heidi Moneymaker - Herself
Tree O'Toole Tree O'Toole - Herself
Rick Seaman Rick Seaman - Himself
Jim Wilkey Jim Wilkey - Himself
Harry Wowchuk Harry Wowchuk - Himself