» » Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil (2006)

Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil (2006) Online

Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil (2006) Online
Original Title :
Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil
Genre :
Creative Work / Action / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
James Dodson
Cast :
Nicholas Gonzalez,Matt Bushell,Keith David
Writer :
James Dodson
Type :
Creative Work
Time :
1h 36min
Rating :

Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...

Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil (2006) Online

The fate of the world hangs in the balance in this explosive action thriller. Brace yourself for nonstop action and chilling suspense, because there's no turning back in this pulse-pounding sequel that takes you Behind Enemy Lines for another adrenaline-fueled adventure! When a team of U.S. Navy SEALs is assigned to destroy a North Korean missile site and avert a possible nuclear strike, failure is not an option. But the mission is abruptly aborted, stranding four soldiers in enemy territory. Now, in order to survive, they must defeat the rebel forces that threaten their lives, their allies and the entire free world!
Cast overview, first billed only:
Nicholas Gonzalez Nicholas Gonzalez - Lt. Robert James
Matt Bushell Matt Bushell - MCPO Neil 'Spaz' Callaghan
Keith David Keith David - MCPO Scott Boytano
Denis Arndt Denis Arndt - CIA Director Weylon Armitage
Ben Cross Ben Cross - Cmdr. Tim Mackey
Bruce McGill Bruce McGill - Gen. Norman T. Vance
Peter Coyote Peter Coyote - President Adair T. Manning
April Grace April Grace - Ellie Brilliard
Shane Edelman Shane Edelman - Campbell Dunleavy
Glenn Morshower Glenn Morshower - Admr. Henry D. Wheeler
Eyal Podell Eyal Podell - Ens. David Barnes
Mykel Shannon Jenkins Mykel Shannon Jenkins - CWO Lawrence Meideros
Michael Simpson Michael Simpson - PO2 Corey Schulteiss
Kenneth Choi Kenneth Choi - Ambassador Li Sung Park
Joseph Steven Yang Joseph Steven Yang - Cmdr. Hwang

Lt. Robert James character was based of real life navy seal Stephen Cingel.

Chief Master Sergeant B.J. Wheeler was a consultant during the filming of the movie.

User reviews

Throw her heart

Throw her heart

I took a quick look at the other user comments for this movie before writing this, and I saw that no one from South Korea (or for that matter North Korea) has so far contributed their thoughts. But I am pretty sure that any South Korean who sees this movie will feel as badly about this movie as I do. This movie is really badly made. The director CONSTANTLY jiggles the camera during the action sequences, enough so that these sequences are very hard to follow. He also photographs the majority of movie in ways that give the basic look of the movie a bland feeling, with nothing to capture the eye. But the screenplay has plenty of problems too. Would the U.S. military really enact a mission to North Korea without consulting the South Korean military/government first? And without taking any Korean soldiers with them for translation and other local problems that might come up? I'm no expert on the Korean situation or military procedures, but all the same this movie really insulted my intelligence.


North Korea has developed a nuclear long range missile that can reach America. It's almost ready for launch, and the American president has few other options but ordering a military strike to remove the threat.

A navy seal team is put together and sent to the missile site to go undercover and destroy the facility, making it seem like an accident thus preventing provoking North Korea into retileration, which could quickly blow up into a full scale war causing millions of lives lost.

A very real world scenario, and it's a good background for a thrilling movie. However, with all this realism you would want more realism from the plot. There are so many holes in the plot, if the movie was a bucket, it would have water pour straight through the bottom.

For example, why would a surgical strike with stealth bombers be more provokative than sending a team of trigger happy seals behind enemy lines, blasting everything sky high for everyone to see? Yet, the whole tension is about the navy seals finishing their mission in time before the surgical strike is the only option left, naturally with no communication abilities with HQ to report about progress, and the usual war hungry American military adviser pushing for the most dangerous options.

The movie is also way too political correct. There are no bad-guys, South Koreans work together with the Americans, and even the North Koreans are good guys who are secretly on the Americans side. Only one person is left as the bad guy, Kim jong Il, North Koreas dictator.

I was also surprised to see how poor the special effects were. Reminded me of something from the early 80's. Blood splatter from gunfire was clearly just painted on top of the movie during post processing, and having a poorly done 3D model of the nuclear missile rotate around on a screen in the presidents conference room just made it look comical.

All in all, messy, inaccurate and most of all, predictable and pretty boring stuff. The first behind enemy lines was just a million times better in all aspects.


The 1998 titled Beyond Enemy Lines was a very good movie with excellent production standards, character development, story, and the patriotism appropriate to a military movie. B.E.L. Axis of Evil has none of this.

Director James Dodson is perhaps the poster boy for today's airhead directors, a heavy dose of LSD along with the morning Starbucks. The first 50 minutes jumps around like Access Hollywood in fast-motion, none of it amounting to anything. The story doesn't come into focus until the final 40 minutes, then being only meaningless drivel. Making matters worse is Dodson's senseless trick of filming sequences thru color filters, the first being an orange filter for the South Korea scenes. Hey, guess what? South Korea is no more orange than South Dakota, you dope! Other scenes are through red filters, blue, et cetera. Dodson must think these tricks cover over the simple fact that he has no clue as to how to make a movie.

In the introductory voice over, the movie absolutely trashes the thousands of American soldiers who served and lost their lives in the Korean War 50 years ago. I think this was not so much Media Spin as that the filmmakers attended public schools and might have been taught doctored-history. They seem unaware that America was fighting not so much North Korea but Red China and Russia, or that General MacArthur had pushed deep into North Korea before the war ended.

I confess to owning 200 shares of stock in 20th Century-Fox; hence my sky high and bloated vote of 2. A zero would be more honest.


This movie is worse than the first one. Both replaced real action with constantly jiggling camera work. The frames change faster than a commercial. Humans do not see the world that way. Apparently the makers of this movie also believe real color is bad. They filter scenes with various colors or make it gray-scale. The constant stuttering film style is dizzying and makes what might have been an OK B-movie flunk completely. I saw the original and made the mistake of buying it, not realizing the stupid photographic style. But it was entertaining. This one is a bore. Thank goodness a friend lent me their rental. I would have pulled my hair out if I made the mistake of buying it.


excessive use of Cinematographic effects. its very distracting making it almost impossible to focus on the story line. not to be mean or anything but looks like this guy just came out of film school and wanted to try it all. this could have been a far much better movie. the cameras movie move around too much though out the film and the lighting is off in the Korean scenes give the viewer a sense of the time line being somewhere in the 70's or 80's like a flashback effect. seems the best scenes int this movie are the conversations between the U.S President and the Ambassador.if they used these effects to intensify moment and i wish they actually made use of a steady cam's capabilities not just have it shaking like a saltshaker. i loved the first movie and i was a little bit heart broken when i saw this.


  • expect nothing while renting it , you may enjoy it .

  • Not the same story as the first one , the guy is not lost and alone this time .

  • lot of already seen before cliché - camera light while in north Korea make you think this country is lifeless and evil , yet the mountain and image are spectacular . but nothing new .

  • the camera shake way too much ( as most of DTV movies ) , and some unnecessary background , camera effect make the movie hard to follow sometimes .

  • slowdown action ( dtv cliché again ) - the plot has a lot of whole but still enjoyable , base on the 2004 event in north Korea ( making the plot more realistic about what wouold have happen ) still not that bad . i must say i enjoy it . the filming location were great and despite that the camera light was to give north Korea a lifeless look ...... the sight and mountain are great throughout the movie .

  • ill give it a 5 or 6 out of 10 . but don't expect something new , a mixe of sum of all the fears , behind enemy line ( visual effect ) , tears of the sun etc... and other America saved the world movie . classic Hollywood cliché .

-in 1995-1996 ... "america saved the world" movies were meant to be "america saved the world " , but now .... they are trying to disguise it while the headline is still the same . assume it at least .


This film has absolutely nothing to compare with BEL1. Very unrealistic acting and shooting scenes. Being a great fan of BEL1, I must admit that I didn't get nothing in that taste from this movie.. Please just watch the opening tittles of BEL1 once more, breathtaking from first second to last one.


from it's first minute its very easy to guess that there will be no operation at all and there are just conversations.. that escape with taxi was way too funny. And there definitely had to be another way to get lost (or broken) wireless communication device rather than donkey scene) the only positive thing for this film is those "fast cut" edits and transitions, but even there they go to overkill. i'm sorry.. it's real crap!

Way better go watch original BEL once again instead.


Reviewer Ash from Victoria, Canada, said "I'm not normally one to gripe about movies, hell i even liked Waterworld, but this movie redefined the idea of rubbishy over exposed b-grade actors pretending at being SEALs."

and he took the words right out of my mouth.

Because of BEL 1, I rented this movie expecting to see a quality film, but I was thoroughly disappointed - So much so, that it prompted me to write my first review.

Poor - Script, Casting, Directing, Acting, Scene music selection, Camera shake (I hate that overused and inappropriate camera shake)

Script: Weak at best and unrealistic far to often. Simplistic dialog for such a serious subject.

Casting: Peter Coyote is totally unbelievable as President. No country would ever elect this man President. Some Koreans looked like Japanese, although I might be somewhat biased because I am surrounded by Koreans in K-town in Los Angeles.

Directing: In one scene, the actor playing the main Seal, gets a nail or spike driven through his hand, yet hours later he is behaving like it was simply a paper cut or something. Bruce McGill, who is a good actor, is a shadow of his ability. I can only blame the generally poor acting on the director. The entire film is totally void of any emotion.

Acting: Most of the actors in the administration and Whitehouse scenes sound like they are reading their lines. I got the feeling I was listening to the production meeting run through. Overall, they deliver their lines with no conviction.

Music: They seem to have no clue about what music to use where. An example would be when the Seals are sneaking up to the enemy at the missile site, where one might expect some quiet low key music. Instead they use the dramatic music like one would expect at the end of a film.

I'm probably being too hard on this movie, but i was expecting the production quality of the first Behind Enemy Lines. At best, this one is a bad made-for-TV movie.


I have had to turn off only 2 movies midway through in my lifetime and this was one of them. The camera work made this movie completely unwatchable, I was almost ill watching the camera shake around wildly even when the characters were standing still in a failed attempt to add excitement. And all of the scene's were so jumpy that it was difficult to figure out what was actually going on. It sounded like an interesting story, I was interested to see how it was going to pan out, but the direction I'm afraid ruined it entirely. Within the first 15 minutes or so both me and my wife had to keep looking away from the screen because the constant shaking was driving us both nuts, we tried to hold out until the action scenes were done but finally we both deemed it wasn't worth sitting through the whole movie not even able to watch the screen. Do yourself a huge favor and pass on this one.


You pick a DVD like this up off the 'discount rack' for 5.00 you don't expect much. But this was a surprisingly good little movie made on a shoestring budget that doesn't look it. I liked the original Behind the Lines well enough but this movie is just fine in its own right. The actors/soldiers are young and Hung-ho which you'd expect. The plot moves along and doesn't have every cliché you usually see coming a mile away. The action scenes with their jittery camera work are rapidly paced & well done in my view. The political side of the story looks professional and pretty believable. Having seen every great war movie there is many times over, I give this movie a solid thumbs up and definitely worth a look.


I'm not normally one to gripe about movies, hell i even liked Waterworld, but this movie redefined the idea of rubbishy over exposed b-grade actors pretending at being SEALs.

First of all, (and a particularly annoying part in my opinion) was most, if not all, of the weapon flashes were added post-production. The gas and dust from the misses was a nice touch, though somewhat overdone considering these guys are supposed to be a professional fighting group and they hit nothing but air, trees and rocks.

Furthermore, any fun in the action that was to be had was immediately quashed by the absurdly wild camera angles. In some cases i had to pause the movie to stop myself from being ill! The colors in most of the scenes was off, so lacking in some scenes of action that it looked like i was watching a black and white student film.

So, if you loved BEL 1 and you expect BEL 2 to be anything like it? Don't even bother giving it a second look. It's a steaming waste of time.


There's not too much to say about this movie, as there isn't much going on about it. Navy SEALs are prepared for a mission inside the North Korea to resolve a nuclear crisis that's appearing on the horizon. During the drop, the mission gets aborted and several SEALs get stuck in the enemy territory. Things turn sour quickly, but before you know it, the forlorn have to save the world. The idea itself is nowhere near original, and only a good execution can save a plot like this, as it can go both ways. Let's see if it does.

As we go deeper into the plot of the movie, it quickly becomes apparent that the movie was meant to attract as many viewers as possible with lots of gunfire and shocking moments. That in mind, it's not surprising to see many small ridiculous moments, where anyone who gives it some thought would be shocked, but not in a good way. For instance there's a moment when a SEAL gives a gun to a clueless and tired Korean slave-laborer so he can also take part in a highly important operation (where stealth was of high importance). The laborer shoots himself, so at least the movie doesn't go as far as turning a laborer into a Rambo. Thanks for that. Moreover, common are firefights where both sides are meters away from each other and neither side seems to be able to eliminate the other, even with the hundreds of rounds they seem to have in each 30-round clip.

The acting is average and the best players got the side roles, in particular the Koreans. The main hero could've been a better choice than Nicholas Gonzalez. Interesting thing to notice is that no real bad guy is present in this movie.

The camera work is one thing that's noticeably professional. The camera seems to move around in every way physically possible, with a wide zooming range, using tricks like multiple layers (when you see zoomed-in content on a zoomed-out background).

The sound has been given some thought and the music ranges from exciting symphonic trips to soul-scratching folk singing. It fits relatively well so there's not much to say about it.

The movie survives thanks mainly to camera work, some actors and perhaps a large budget. It's an average action flick that can entertain if you have nothing better to do, but I wouldn't make it a central movie at a big event.


Thankfully I worked in film retail/rental and from there have developed the good sense of trusting nobody's opinion but my own as far as the quality of enjoyment to be got out of films is concerned. I rented three films today and as always checked them on IMDb before deciding which one to watch first. BEL 2 had the worst ratings but from the comments was the sort of film I was in the mood for. And guess what, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not only was the acting professional, most of the special effects where OK and the mix between action and politics was balanced. This film was also definitely better than BEL 1 in nearly every aspect, especially the acceptability of military actions and casualties. I will probably watch this once more in a few years.
Brick my own

Brick my own

Pros: some really nice cinematography gave this film a hint of artistic credibility. Some OK action sequences. Performances aren't offensively bad, unlike the premise.

Cons: the TVesque use of sped up sequences and dodgy CGI are the downside to production. Only one female character. Typically ludicrous action film dialogue and overuse of flashbacks make this hard to watch while the plot is hard to stomach.

What more could you expect from US filmmakers during wartime than something to make you feel proud to be American and perhaps even join in the fight against fight evil? This time the evil doers are the North Koreans, who have developed an Intercontinental Ballistic missile (ICBM) which has the capability of delivering a WMD to American soil. And how dare they, when the US and her allies are the the only countries allowed to keep such weapons in the name of freedom! To remedy this a team of navy seals parachute into North Korea and then the film gets really tacky. The use of light filters in EVERY SINGLE SCENE in North Korea gives the country (and people) a colourless lifeless feel (because they are evil). The Nth Korean military are depicted first abusing civilians then committing war crimes. The seals are assisted by some South Korean soldiers sent to help them escape from 'behind enemy lines', who of course immediately begin taking orders from the yanks. All the while, back in the war room the president agonises over whether or not to drop a vast number of bombs on the Koreans because unlike them, he is not evil.

This movie was well enough put together to be enjoyable for anyone so brain dead they can swallow the whole flag waving god bless America rubbish without firing the odd neuron in protest. However if you prefer your war drama to be based on reality rather than fantasy, just re-screen a copy of The Thin Red Line and pretend they never made this film.


Not many movies are so bad, I stop watching them. This is one. I saw the first Behind Enemy Lines, and it was an OK action movie. Not too special, but quite enjoyable to watch. I expected something similar with this part II. Boy, was I wrong! For an action movie, first of all this film is s - l - o - o - o - w - w: only after about an hour the action starts. Second, if you are a bit sensitive, you will get motion sick by the totally unnecessary jerky camera movements. If it weren't that annoying, it would be laughable that the director tried to hide the lack of real tension or action by heavy shaking of the camera. Third, the reaction of the North Koreans is totally unbelievable. I mean, a prisoner who is liberated will commit suicide?? And a North Korean army officer will allow an American seal to blow up a rocket?? Already a shallow introduction to North Korean society will reveal how it functions and what role the army plays.

I couldn't take it any longer, I tried, but finally I HAD to stop watching. Don't bother watching this movie, it's a waste of time.


This movie speculates on what may have triggered the 'peculiar cloud' that was seen in the North Korean skies on September 9th 2004 in Yongjo-ri. The North Koreans said that is was due to a demolition of a mountain as part of a huge hydro-electric project. No one outside North Korea had a clue of what caused this explosion.

But, despite this lack of knowledge, US Secreatry of State Colin Powel was sure that 'there was no indication that {it} was a nuclear event of any kind. Exactly what it was, we're not sure.'


So what did happen, according to the movie that is..? Well, 'in fact' it was another secret mission by American NAVY SEALS that destroyed the missile site containing a nuclear tipped rocket. After 'stumbling' into North Korean territory, it doesn't take long before their 'stealth mission' is being compromised by a North Korean child (this must be a new rule by now in the 'NAVY SEALS MADE FOR MOVIE ACTORS HANDBOOK' - what to do when encountering little children on a highly classified mission where stealth is extremely important.....sorry guys, but you have to KILL THE KID WHEN HE SPOTTED YOUR WOLE TEAM AND IS SHOUTING MOM, DAD, UNCLE, I'VE SEEN EVIL YANKEE CAPATALIST SOLDIERS IN THE BUSHES!!). Some SEALS get killed in the fire fight that followed; Others are being taken prisoner and are being freed again by South Korean special forces. SEALS and South Korean 'specs' join their forces and go after the nuke...and in the end are successful in blowing it up.

Having seen this movie, I can say that the only thing that makes this movie worth watching is neither the story (a pretty standard action movie), nor the acting (no Oscar material in this movie...) but the relevancy it has today.... I think that the US government, being confronted now with the fact that North Korea has tested it's first nuclear device, she would be kicking herself if that explosion in 2004 really was a nuclear explosion and that they have 'missed' this warning that might have led them to act against North Korea ...because it maybe all too late now. And I think that they, looking back, would settle now for the outcome that was portrayed in this movie.

Goofs: If you ask yourself what kind of Jeep you should buy for Christmas, buy a North Korean Jeep. It will protect you from a nuclear blast, which can be seen from outer space, when you drive a few hundred meters away from it. Your hair won't even get messed up...
net rider

net rider

A very poor sequel to a very good thriller, BEHIND ENEMY LINES: AXIS OF EVIL is about a small group of Navy SEALS attempting to take out a missile site in North Korea. Naturally, everything that can go wrong, does. Shot on the cheap in Bulgaria, this STV is pretty much one continuous firefight, and the battles are so poorly executed that it is hard to tell what is going on a good part of the time. The acting is strictly of the cardboard variety. The film reminds me of a Chuck Norris flick from his days with Cannon, only those films were better. Some old timers pull duty here, including Keith David as a SEALS trainer and Peter Coyote as the president of the U.S. No suspense, no real interest in anything going on. Stick with the original.


Some examples (can't be spoilers because you can't spoil a rotten movie): Camera was constantly shaken and double-imaged during any action scene. Keep a bag or bucket handy. Camera tricks and double images even were used when a truck is seen being driven down a dirt road - not even a chase.

Four very fit and trim Navy Seals can't catch a 9 year old undernourished Korean boy - how can that happen? And some of them are running in the empty forest with their M?? held up to their face.

They want to catch the kid so he won't report them to the village, but they chase him right into the village and into his mother's house. Did they suddenly get capes of invisibility? And they have seen the village before with binoculars so they had a general idea of the layout.

Four Seals "lose" a gun battle with North Korean troops that followed them to the forest in 4 VW vans, but 2 Seals and 3 or 4 South Korean infiltrators are able to fight a gun battle and escape from the middle of a small North Korean base - driving an apparently bullet-proof taxi. Maybe it was invisible during the 3 donuts it made in the center of the camp. Had to fast forward thru the last half of the movie to just to check if the camera settled down - it didn't.

Not that there is anything wrong with it, but the South Koreans come out as the intelligent and capable ones while the U.S. just bumbles thru.


As a movie buff I compared this movie against the first Behind Enemy Lines(BEL) as well as a few others. As a former Special Operations member I also compared this movie to my personal experiences in the military.

I have to say that compared to the first BEL the second was much more believable. The first BEL had a couple sweet matrix type moments, like the trip wire mines going off, but I would expect this with an operating budget of 40 million dollars. With BEL-2 having only 3 million dollars in operating expenses it did a pretty dang good job comparatively. Almost all of the computer generated scenes in BEL-2 are almost unnoticeable except for a few exaggerated blood splatters. The transition from computer to real-life is very professional. Basically I sometimes couldn't decide if it was real or computer generated during some of the action sequences. Ultimately I don't think Fox should have tagged this movie with BEL, it should have been a movie itself. The only reason they did was because I'm sure viewers wouldn't give it a glance at Blockbuster otherwise, due to the lack of big named stars.

Now take into consideration that two episodes of Alias, or approximately 96 minutes of runtime without commercials, costs an average of 4.6 million dollars, 2.3 million each episode. Compare this to BEL-2 and Alias looks like the B-rated movie, while BEL-2 saved 1.6 million dollars over Alias in the process.

As for acting I felt like everyone in that movie deserved an A+. I get the sense that some reviewers are biased against movies that don't have big named stars. Well the acting in this movie out performs a lot of blockbuster hits. If this movie received a larger budget than 3 million and had big named stars it would have been as good, if not better, than Bruce Willis's Tears of the Sun. Just for comparison, Tears of the Sun cost 70 million dollars, what a waste of money compared to BEL-2. They should have gone with BEL-2's director and computer animation group.

As a former Spec-Ops member I appreciate the realism of the tactics and fight scenes. I'm not implying that it is all real, but it is much more believable. Some scene's like the SEAL training scenes are buttered up a bit to give the audience a generality of their background but are not actual training procedures. It's a relief to go from Owen Wilson dodging a million bullets unscathed to BEL-2's real life consequences of a well placed shot by the enemy.

The political tactics in this movie are extremely realistic. A good portion of the movie revolves around the politics as well as the field action. In my opinion it best represents actual procedures that would occur in a real world situation. After all war, and the prevention of, is a significant amount of politics and not just Rambo shooting all the "bad guys". Don't worry though, the political encounters in my opinion help you feel more involved in the entire process of an actual real world situation.

BEL-2 also shows all sides of the parties involved, i.e. N. Korea, S. Korea, and the US. What I liked most about the movie was how they showed all sides as intelligent human beings. Unlike the first BEL in which the enemy was all evil and no good person existed on the opposite side of the US. BEL-2 shows the N. Korea's military leaders as intelligent and some of them compassionate people that care for their countrymen and also for the welfare of the earth's population, and they are aware of their leader's habits and exaggerated perceptions about himself.

I now have a great admiration for the director of this movie, Jame's Dodson. He took 3 million dollars and turned it into a movie that deserved the big screen. In my Opinion he turned 3 million into 40 million when compared to the first BEL. Taking this into account he should be making blockbuster hits with this kind of potential profit for investors. In the filming of BEL-2 Jame's Dodson took the Paul Greengrass approach, as in the Bourne Supremamcy. If you didn't see the Bourne Supremacy it involves close-ups and a bit more movement of the camera during action scenes to build realism and suspense. In the Bourne Supremacy if you thought to yourself "I remember the Bourne Supremacy and I felt like I was going to puke from the extreme camera movement" do not worry. James Dodson's approach is much more milder and more comfortable than Paul Greengrass's aggressive technique, while still keeping the intense effect.

I think the majority of people will enjoy this movie for its accuracy, action, and intelligence embedded in the plot. Its a movie worthy of the big screen and you can rent it for less than a movie ticket at the theaters. I know we all worry about renting straight-to-DVD release's and being overcome by cheesiness, but fear not peoples who love quality movies. Here is your chance to rent a movie and actually see an entertaining movie you haven't already seen on the big screen.


Being involved with the SAS, SBS and Royal Marines at various stages i know a bit about special ops. The plot to this movie is believe able and all the SEAL tactics seen are real however what lets this film down is the gun fights scenes. SEALS are some of the best shots in the world also they were using AK-47 assault riffles firing 5.56 ammo in 30 round mags. They never seemed to reload. Also the taxi just ruins the credibility completely however i felt had the film more budget and a director who had done some research it could have been a film on par with Black Hawk down and Jar Head. The plot was also slightly week and the links to Clinton at the start just confuse the audience.


There was absolutely no point to watching this dreadful movie. I will admit to turning this piece of crap off after a mere 20 minutes, which is something that I have never done before. First, Navy Seals insert into North Korea to take out missiles - an absolutely unbelievable concept considering that a bomb would do the trick. I was willing to suspend my belief on this. Then, what foils the Seals? A freakin' kid, of course. I guess the Seals flunked training where they learned to blend in with the environment. If a 5 year old fascinated by a rat could see them, then I'd draft a militia before sending those guys into battle. So, the Seals defy logic again, and chase a kid - bam! You guessed it, right into an enemy village with their muzzles to the floor while running. After that, they ensure blowing their cover again by grabbing one of the North Korean soldier's wives, and then LET HER GO to run away and alert the soldiers. I could not make this up. Therefore, after a 100 pound woman fights off the supposedly heavily trained unit. The Navy Seals run out again, exposing themselves, and again without weapons drawn, to enter a stare-off with the wive's husband (the soldier). He waits literally 20 seconds, whips his pistol out, and shoots the Navy Seal in a place that would obviously defeat the round. The Seals shoot back, but who cares anyways. They only hit one guy and fire like maniacs. Then, they go to ambush the North Koreans by running at them, and get mowed down WWI style. The last Navy Seal who survives sees the Grim Reaper, and a TIGER (what!?). That was when I turned this piece of crap off and vowed to never watch it again. Behind Enemy Lines II insults the first movie, which wasn't that great to begin with. This movie, however, made it look like the Godfather. It's an insult that Hollywood would think the populace would find this movie mildly entertaining. Don't be surprised when Dollar Stores refuse to stock it even in their bargain bins.


I rather enjoyed the plot of the movie, but two things stood out as lackluster in my opinion. The first was the lack of solid character development. In the first BEL movie, we see a young hot-shot mature over the course of the film. This movie did not have the same sort of development. We don't know anything about the Seals going in, and we learn only a little from the inserted flashbacks.

My other issue was with the manner in which the movie was filmed. Considering that I watch movies to be entertained at a safe distance from any real danger, the decision to use a short, choppy action sequence film style made it very difficult to actually see what was going on.

On the whole, I thought the movie was a great experiment in real-world what-ifs. The military options presented where believable, and consistent with real life options. Pay close attention to the interplay between the various members of the military and the civilian leadership, as the movie offers an interesting look at the civilian control of the US military.


all i can say is why bother? no relation to the first film, horrendous directing at best the acting was average, so bad i couldn't be bothered to watch it all. the silly colours meant to depict different parts of the world was a joke, i have travelled all over the world and the light doesn't change from grey to blue to orange anywhere on earth so why does it need to in this movie? the plot had more holes than a 1970s lancia and the whole film looks like a 10 year old kid could have done the gunfire better on a PC in his bedroom. about as fulfilling as spending a couple of hours looking the ceiling. it truly amazes me that films like this are given any budget at all


I've seen both movies and do not agree that the movie is "shaking". The movie's style is done in a true to life style that reflects the energy of the time and place. The special effects are better than the first movie. One in particular is when a speeding bullet flying toward the screen. I have seen many directors try this effect before and Director, James Dodson gets it right.This is the first time I have ever felt that a bullet fired was really going to get ME. I kid you not - right between the eyes! No 3-D effect ever matched this shot in it's intensity.Simply unbelievable! For all of you out there please consider that this movie had a 3 million budget not 10 million like the first. "A list" actors were used in the first, as opposed to lessor well known in the second. BEL2 had only a three million budget AND had a better effect and a better story line!


The worlds elite fighting force meets up with the worlds dumbest director... Lives will be lost, women and children will fall a sleep, and at the end of the movie many people will have puzzled looks on their faces. Question... How can you make one of the coolest organizations (US Navy SEALS) put me to sleep? The entire time I was watching the movie things were running through my head such as: why are they using AK-47's? Why are they not using cover when in a fire fight? And why does this movie remind me of a really bad version of Rambo? I know more about Navy SEALS then the jackass who directed this movie, and I don't have a $40,000,000 budget! I can't tell you how upset I was with this movie. If you're going to watch a Navy SEAL movie thats sorta kinda good, go pick up Tears of the Sun, or even pick up Navy Seals the movie... yeah you heard me, Navy Seals was a better movie then this. And if you want a true look at how the Navy SEALS and the Naval Special Warfare community really operates, just google video "navy seal". Just for god sake don't pick up this horrible movie....

PS: I thought Behind Enemy Lines numero 1 was excellent.