» » Por si me muero (2016)

Por si me muero (2016) Online

Por si me muero (2016) Online
Original Title :
Por si me muero
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Ángel Villaverde
Cast :
Toni Martinez,Esmeralda Moya
Writer :
Ángel Villaverde
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Por si me muero (2016) Online

Marla lives chained to the wall of an old basement owned by Bill, her only connection with the outside and the responsible of her isolation. This, far from disturbing her, cautivates her. It's a critic to all the prejudices we have about uncommon personal relationships, a metaphore of the different kinds of love, and the seeking of happiness the way we want.
Credited cast:
Toni Martinez Toni Martinez - Bill
Esmeralda Moya Esmeralda Moya - Marla