» » Balls (2010)

Balls (2010) Online

Balls (2010) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Jeremy Smith
Cast :
Joey DeChello,Joshua Mikel,Christopher Mychael Watson
Writer :
Jeremy Smith
Type :
Time :
Rating :

A pseudo-intellectual with the gift of gab, Billy, can't help but buy things. Wen the pawnshop owner is tired of his brother-in-law's bullshit. a lurker comes in with a VHS porno. Billy ... See full summary

Balls (2010) Online

A pseudo-intellectual with the gift of gab, Billy, can't help but buy things. Wen the pawnshop owner is tired of his brother-in-law's bullshit. a lurker comes in with a VHS porno. Billy buys it. A stripper comes in with an fake engagement ring. Billy buys it. A musician comes in with a key-tar, Billy tries to buy, but Owen fires him. As Billy's leaving, an armed robbers comes in. And Billy talks the robber out of robbing the store and buys his gun. Billy keeps his job. Owen turns a profit. And the robber gets his money. Then Billy shots the robber.
Credited cast:
Joey DeChello Joey DeChello - Crackhead Rob
Joshua Mikel Joshua Mikel - Billy
Christopher Mychael Watson Christopher Mychael Watson - Owen (as Christopher Watson)