» » Supercop.com (2000)

Supercop.com (2000) Online

Supercop.com (2000) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Action / Drama / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Phillip Ko
Cast :
Wing-Fu Fok,Marcus Fox,Seung-Yuk Kam
Writer :
Phillip Ko
Type :
Time :
1h 35min
Rating :
Supercop.com (2000) Online

Pin, Pai Pin Pin, KK, and Elly are four friends who are trying to get through the program together at a South Korean academy for training policewomen, run by a strict and cruel Madam Cheung. All of them graduate with honors except for KK, who disgraces her family by not graduating at all. When her father is brutally murdered by a mystery man with a tiger tattoo, KK vows to make it through the training program and become a real policewoman.
Credited cast:
Wing-Fu Fok Wing-Fu Fok
Marcus Fox Marcus Fox
Seung-Yuk Kam Seung-Yuk Kam
Cynthia Khan Cynthia Khan
Sang Wook Kim Sang Wook Kim
Benny Ko Benny Ko
Phillip Ko Phillip Ko
Keung-Kuen Lai Keung-Kuen Lai
Ken Lo Ken Lo
Angela Ying-Ying Tong Angela Ying-Ying Tong
Johnny Wang Johnny Wang
Anthony Chau-Sang Wong Anthony Chau-Sang Wong