» » Wahid's Mobile Bookstore (2009)

Wahid's Mobile Bookstore (2009) Online

Wahid's Mobile Bookstore (2009) Online
Original Title :
Wahidu0027s Mobile Bookstore
Genre :
Creative Work / Documentary / Short / Biography
Year :
Directror :
Anjoo Khosla
Type :
Creative Work
Time :
Rating :

Amidst the smog and blaring horns of Mumbai, 9 year old Wahid sells books to support his family. Unable to read, yet dreaming of becoming a doctor, his story paints a moving picture of India today.

Wahid's Mobile Bookstore (2009) Online

Wahid's Mobile Bookstore Among the traffic, smog, blaring horns and careening commuters that crowd the intersections of Mumbai, India is Wahid a 9 year old mobile bookseller. While he does not read English, he deftly weaves in and around the cars selling international bestsellers, haggling over the price and recommending books to patrons sitting in their air-conditioned cars. It's a dangerous 'paper route', but it provides his family of six with the extra income they need to survive in their one room slum. While the majority of all his book sales go to his mother, Wahid keeps 10 rupees (approximately $0.20) for himself in a piggy bank. One day he hopes to buy a bicycle. Meanwhile, Wahid dreams of becoming a doctor and supports his family by peddling his stack of Best-Sellers through his Mobile Bookstore.