Beyond Scared Straight Chester County, SC: Roundtree Circle (2011–2015) Online

- Original Title :
- Chester County, SC: Roundtree Circle
- Genre :
- TV Episode / Crime / Reality TV
- Year :
- 2011–2015
- Type :
- TV Episode
- Time :
- 44min
- Rating :
- 6.3/10
Shakil, 15, looks up to his gang-banging older brother but seeing him sport Chester County Jail, SC colors shatters his outlook. Stoner Josh, 15, dressed out in a jumpsuit of problem-inmate pink, takes his second tour of the jail. Baby-faced bully CJ, 11, attacks teachers and siblings but is left gasping when deputies put the pressure on him. With an adult criminal record on the line, thief Wayne, 19, can't stop his mouth from getting him into more trouble with the deputies.