» » Unfuck the World (2009)

Unfuck the World (2009) Online

Unfuck the World (2009) Online
Original Title :
Unfuck the World
Genre :
Movie / Short / Musical
Year :
Directror :
Kathryn Blume,Steve Gute
Cast :
Kathryn Blume,Steve Gute
Writer :
Kathryn Blume
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Activist/performer Kathryn Blume traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009 for the UN Climate Change Summit. Along the way, she met several other people fighting to save the planet. Unfuck the world - and don't forget to sing along.

Unfuck the World (2009) Online

Activist/performer Kathryn Blume traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009 for the UN Climate Change Summit. Along the way, she met several other people fighting to save the planet. Unfuck the world - and don't forget to sing along.
Credited cast:
Kathryn Blume Kathryn Blume - Herself
Steve Gute Steve Gute - Himself