» » La parrucchiera (2017)

La parrucchiera (2017) Online

La parrucchiera (2017) Online
Original Title :
La parrucchiera
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Stefano Incerti
Cast :
Massimiliano Gallo,Pina Turco,Cristina Donadio
Writer :
Mara Fondacaro,Marianna Garofalo
Type :
Rating :
La parrucchiera (2017) Online

Rosa is a single mother and a skilled hairdresser working in the salon and Patrizia Lello. Too bad that the Lello has laid eyes on him and, regardless of the legitimate wife, do everything possible to put him in my hands Rosa. The result is that the young hairdresser quits, and Patricia, who also has loved him like a mother, accused of being groped her at her husband. Fortunately Rosa has two combative friends, the cougar Micaela and trans Carla, ready to run alongside in his brave act: opening a hair salon, Head and storm, in the heart of the Spanish Quarter.
Credited cast:
Massimiliano Gallo Massimiliano Gallo - Salvatore
Pina Turco Pina Turco - Rosa
Cristina Donadio Cristina Donadio - Patrizia
Tony Tammaro Tony Tammaro - Lello
Lucianna De Falco Lucianna De Falco - Micaela
Arturo Muselli Arturo Muselli - Kevin
Stefania Zambrano Stefania Zambrano - Carla
Ernesto Mahieux Ernesto Mahieux - Gennaro
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Alessandra Borgia Alessandra Borgia - Maria
Francesco Borragine Francesco Borragine - Claudio
Emiliana Cantone Emiliana Cantone - Emiliana Cantone
Foja Foja - I Foja
Martina Palumbo Martina Palumbo - Jessica
Giorgio Pinto Giorgio Pinto - Compagno di Carla