» » Mother's Day (2018)

Mother's Day (2018) Online

Mother's Day (2018) Online
Original Title :
Motheru0027s Day
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Fergus O'Brien
Cast :
Daniel Mays,Anna Maxwell Martin,Vicky McClure
Writer :
Nick Leather
Type :
Time :
1h 30min
Rating :
Mother's Day (2018) Online

In 1993 in Warrington, England, 12 year old Tim Parry, whilst buying a Mother's Day card, is one of two little boys killed by an IRA bomb. His devastated parents Wendy and Colin react differently, Colin anxious to publicize the tragedy and campaign for peace whilst Wendy withdraws into grief. In Dublin housewife Susan McHugh, seeing the atrocity on television, organizes a rally to demonstrate against violence and is amazed at the positive response. However she and supportive husband Arthur are subject to phone threats and accusations by republicans of being pro-British. Susan feels that she has failed but is cheered when Wendy, heartened by letters of sympathy from total strangers, and Colin visit the McHughs, appearing on television to support her and speak on behalf of all parents bereaved by violence. A year later a truce is called to end the sectarian war and in 1995 the Parrys set up a peace foundation to help victims of terrorism.
Credited cast:
Daniel Mays Daniel Mays - Colin
Anna Maxwell Martin Anna Maxwell Martin - Wendy
Vicky McClure Vicky McClure - Susan
David Wilmot David Wilmot - Arthur
Simone Kirby Simone Kirby - Fran
James Quinn Markey James Quinn Markey - Charlie
Richard Dillane Richard Dillane - Dr. Tarring
Christopher Dunne Christopher Dunne - Dublin man
Elizabeth Conboy Elizabeth Conboy - Hospital manager
Annabelle Dowler Annabelle Dowler - Neighbour
Martin Turner Martin Turner - Warrington man
Melanie Kilburn Melanie Kilburn - Margret Seabrook
Lucy McConnell Lucy McConnell - Dublin woman
Fiona Victory Fiona Victory - Pauline
Patrick FitzSymons Patrick FitzSymons - Tommy Kerans

User reviews



My kids disbelieve me when I tell them that when I was younger, walking past a pub, an army recruitment centre or going to the town centre at Christmas could you put you at risk of a random IRA bomb attack.

I have been to Warrington and seen the memorial plaque to the two young victims of the IRA bombs in 1993. Tim Parry and Johnathan Ball.

This drama-documentary was harrowing to watch, especially the first half an hour. I rather like to forget the IRA campaign of terror in mainland Britain which affected it from the early 1970s onwards.

Mother's Day looks at the grieve faced by Tim Parry's parents who died five days after he was severely injured by the bomb. Colin & Wendy Parry eschewed hate and bitterness. They wanted the memory of their son to continue and become a symbol of hope and peace.

Parallel to the Parry's story is that of Susan McHugh, a housewife in Dublin. Horrified by the bomb attack in Warrington that led to the death of two children, she organises a public campaign against terrorist violence.

However McHugh has started a journey on a rocky path, maybe she was a little naive at the beginning. When she arrives in Belfast she meets victims of sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. Republican mothers whose children were killed by the British police and army and whose deaths aroused little concern. By 1993, 138 children had lost their lives as a result of violence.

Mother's Day is difficult to view, the actors give low key performances preferring to avoid any over sensationalized portrayals. It also tries to be even handed. In total 157 children lost their lives during the Troubles.

What the drama did not show was that as the explosions took place, the British government and Irish republicans were already exploring options for a peace process. In 1994, a ceasefire was announced by the IRA.