» » Nana (2018)

Nana (2018) Online

Nana (2018) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Miladin Colakovic
Writer :
Miladin Colakovic
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Nana (2018) Online

Nana is a movie shot over a ten-year period and primarily it is about recapitulating, about looking back at one's life given, of course, we have time to do this. It is a movie about a hard life's struggle, about love and sacrifice, sickness and old age. It is also a movie about death, a desired death which comes as a relief. At the same time, it is also a movie about a life fulfilled, a life that in spite of great difficulties and a constant struggle, had meaning. About the great life of an only seemingly insignificant woman.
Credited cast:
Nana Nana - Zivanka Vuksanovic