» » Aliens and Astronauts: UFO's on the Moon (2014)

Aliens and Astronauts: UFO's on the Moon (2014) Online

Aliens and Astronauts: UFO's on the Moon (2014) Online
Original Title :
Aliens and Astronauts: UFOu0027s on the Moon
Genre :
Creative Work / Documentary
Year :
Budget :
Type :
Creative Work
Time :
1h 10min
Rating :
Aliens and Astronauts: UFO's on the Moon (2014) Online

We are told the Moon has been here since before the dawn of man and is either a part of the Earth itself or a vagabond captured by our world eons ago. But is this true? There are many theories for the existence of the Moon but all have been proven wrong. The Moon is far older than previously acknowledged by science, quite possibly older than the Earth or the Sun. Our Moon is not a solid object it is indeed hollow and is the only moon in the solar system that has a stationary, near perfect, circular orbit. Ancient cultures have stories of how the Moon came to be in orbit. Why are there unexplained geometric structures on the Moon's surface which correlate to the structures found in ancient Egypt and other primitive locations on Earth? How is it that by miraculous chance the Moon perfectly eclipses our Sun? The mathematical probability that the Sun and Moon would align perfectly for a total eclipse to appear on Earth is zero. Astoundingly, the distance of the Sun to the Moon and the ...