» » Summer Holiday (1963)

Summer Holiday (1963) Online

Summer Holiday (1963) Online
Original Title :
Summer Holiday
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Musical
Year :
Directror :
Peter Yates
Cast :
Cliff Richard,Lauri Peters,Melvyn Hayes
Writer :
Peter Myers,Ronald Cass
Type :
Time :
1h 47min
Rating :
Summer Holiday (1963) Online

A fabulous 60s Musical - 4 London Bus mechanics strike up a deal with London Transport. They do up a double decker London Bus, drive it around Europe as a hotel and if they make it they will own and be in charge of a whole fleet. While on the road in France they pick up 3 ladies whose car breaks down and offer to take them to their next singing job in Athens. They also pick up a stowaway. A young, American boy. Meanwhile, a young American female singer has gone missing. Her mother (who is a VERY ambitious woman) and her aid take the story to the press and it makes the front page. They do all they can to make the story run for as long as possible, including misdirecting the bus up an extremely steep Yugoslavian hill. We find out the young American boy is actually the young American girl who is missing. Mayhem ensues as the lead character, Don (Cliff Richard) falls for Barbara. Eventually, when the 8 bus riders reach Athens, they're arrested for kidnapping. In front of her mother and a ...
Cast overview, first billed only:
Cliff Richard Cliff Richard - Don
Lauri Peters Lauri Peters - Barbara
Melvyn Hayes Melvyn Hayes - Cyril
Una Stubbs Una Stubbs - Sandy
Teddy Green Teddy Green - Steve
Pamela Hart Pamela Hart - Angie
Jeremy Bulloch Jeremy Bulloch - Edwin
Jacqueline Daryl Jacqueline Daryl - Mimsie
Madge Ryan Madge Ryan - Stella
Lionel Murton Lionel Murton - Jerry
Christine Lawson Christine Lawson - Annie
Ron Moody Ron Moody - Orlando
David Kossoff David Kossoff - Magistrate
Wendy Barrie Wendy Barrie - Shepherdess / Dancer (as Wendy Barry)
Nicholas Phipps Nicholas Phipps - Wrightmore

A young Barbra Streisand was first considered for the role of the American stowaway Barbara, but was then deemed "too big" (as in too famous) for the part and would take the limelight away from Cliff Richard.

Despite popular misconception, the model of bus driven by Cliff Richard was not a Routemaster but an AEC Regent.

Cliff Richard, Melvyn Hayes and The Shadows were recalled to record the song "Bachelor Boy" as it was felt that the film was too short.

The Yugoslavian border guards are actually well known Greek actors.

London Transport cooperated fully with the film, lending the film company three buses to act as RT1881, and more notably allowing filming to take place at the Aldenham Bus Overhaul Works during the summer shutdown. The film shows actual working equipment, including the buses being carried about by cranes and rotated on body tilter mechanisms. In one shot that would undoubtedly be prohibited, both by modern workplace safety regulations and a film's insurance underwriters, Cliff Richard himself rides 20 feet in the air on a bus's rear platform as the bus body is carried through the works by overhead crane.

Jeremy Bullock, who played the youngest mechanic Edwin, played Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi

In an interview, Melvyn Hayes, who played Cyril, revealed that he and Cliff Richard had to learn to drive London double-decker buses before going off to film in Greece. The instructors only taught them for around half and hour. With such little training it would have been hard enough to drive on British roads, but they had to drive round bends on the cliffs of Greece. Hayes also revealed that he and Cliff were terrified during those sequences.

Two double-decker London buses had to be shipped to Greece because it was impossible to drive them across Europe due to low bridges and so on. But when they eventually arrived, Customs held them for two days.

Every 10 days, Melvyn Hayes had to spend five hours getting his hair dyed blonde.

Cliff Richard was barely 22 years old when he filmed this movie.

Cliff Richard was initially reluctant to do this film as he would be the main star and felt that he might not be able to carry the movie on his own. He had done a few films prior to it but they all had bigger stars along with Cliff in them.

16 songs were written for the film.

Because Summer Holiday was planned to widen Cliff's appeal to U.S. audiences, where he had only limited success, they would hire an American actress, to play his love interest. So Lauri Peters was cast on the strength of her Broadway performance in "The Sound of Music".

Upon its release, "Summer Holiday" went on to become the second most successful film at the British box office in 1963, after "The Guns Of Navarone" and a movie industry survey showed Cliff Richard to be more popular than Elvis Presley, Sean Connery and Peter Sellers.

The director, Peter Yates, went on to become a distinguished Hollywood director - the Steve McQueen classic "Bullitt" was one of his films.

Lauri Peters was so homesick she would fly back to the U.S. after filming had finished on Friday night, and jet back in on Monday morning.

The film was a big break for Jeremy Bulloch, who went on to do "Star Wars", "Dr Who", and "Robin of Sherwood". He was just 16 at the time, with a little acting experience but no dancing.

In the first four months of the film's 1963 release, the title song and three others (The Next Time, Bachelor Boy and Foot Tapper) all reached No.1 on the U.K. Charts.

The song "Bachelor Boy" had been added to the movie at the last minute as the distributors felt that the movie was too short. However the original set had already been pulled down and it would have been too expensive to fly the cast and crew to a foreign location, so the bus was brought back to the studio, another background was hastily built and the "Bachelor Boy" routine was filmed with everyone dancing around it.

Bruce Welch, one of the members of "The Shadows", revealed that the highly popular title song was composed in less than half an hour. He came up with the first line "We're all going on a summer holiday" while "The Shadows" drummer Brian Bennett came up with the line, "We're going where the sun shines brightly".

The film's premiere in Leicester Square was a huge event, attended by dozens of top show-business names.

Cliff RIchard couldn't attend the film's premiere because when he arrived in his chauffeur-driven limo, more than 3,000 fans surged forward, threatening to mob him. Cliff was trapped inside the car and the police instructed the chauffeur to drive away, with Cliff still in the back. So that night Cliff sat in his manager's flat and watched a boxing match on TV. "It was particularly frustrating because I so much wanted to be at the premiere, and I'd even turned down a South African tour for it", later revealed Cliff.

Lauri Peters's singing voice is supplied by Grazina Frame.

Ken Russell was originally to direct, but he didn't like the script and dropped out.

Melvyn Hayes dyed his hair blond for this film. As he had returned to his natural colour by the time "Bachelor Boy" was filmed, he wore a wig. This was the shot chosen for most of the publicity material.

Closing credits: All characters and events in this film are fictitious and any similarity to persons either living or dead is purely coincidental.

User reviews



Redefines family entertainment. I had totally forgotten about this mini-musical until I came across it on the IMDb just five minutes ago, whilst looking for something else that I really don't care about now.

Dear old Sir Cliff! What a time to be 18/19! I was actually just 17 when this came out and so hopelessly in love with my cousin there WAS nothing else in my life at the time. God was feeling charitable towards me in those days and orchestrated events so that she happened to come to my hometown and stay over. I asked her to go to the local theater with me and we sat in the back row watching this film....least SHE did, I had other things on my mind! What does the plot matter? Cliff as a bus driver taking his friends (Cliff's backing group - The Shadows...how odd I can remember those names...Jet Harris, Tony Meehan and Hank Marvin....and I haven't even thought about them for forty years!) on a European vacation and picking up girls on the way - between songs of course.

God! I'd like to see this again! I still have the original 45 rpm release! (for those of you could really care).


After doing up a London double-decker as a sort of mobile home, Don and his friends set out to travel across Europe for a fantastic summer holiday. Along the way they pick up a group of English girls and a young boy. However when the young boy turns out to be a missing female celebrity the group find themselves getting into many adventures as her agents try to keep her 'missing' for as long as possible to get her the headlines. Meanwhile, Don has his own problems as the self confessed 'bachelor boy' finds himself falling in love.

Given that the cassette soundtrack to this film was officially 'the first album I ever bought', I took the chance (for the first time since then!) to watch the actual film again. With the thinnest of connections to the Olympics (the group's destination is Athens) this film was screened during the day of the opening ceremony of the 2004 games and I took the opportunity to video it for later viewing. The film was pretty much what I expected it to be in that it was cheesy, silly and not that good – just what you would expect from a pop musical of the period that aimed to be nothing more than inoffensive family fun. The plot is basically a road trip with a very obvious romance acting as the driving force for a series of amusing antics and pop songs. None of it is very good but it is reasonably OK and is worth seeing as a piece of fun.

The antics are not that funny but they have a great sense of 'clean fun' – hard to describe but easy to get into if you are in the mood for it. Of course, modern, more cynical audiences will find it a major turn off but it is quite fun in a very basic sense. Likewise the songs are hardly great and can be best described as 'clean' and 'wholesome' with the odd one being memorable or catchy but mostly them just doing the job and nothing more. The cast also fit with this 'clean fun' family ideal and the plot never dares suggest that a bus load of young men and woman would do anything alone in cramped rooms around Europe! Heck – one of the guys even complains about the number of girls on the bus – sorry? what?! They fall into pure, clean love and that's about it, with the cast never doing more than smiling. Complain all you want though, about his appeal to older fans, but Cliff Richard was a consistent presence in the UK charts and here he shows that he has a real light, natural charisma that suits the film perfectly – he is hardly giving a great performance but he is well suited. Hayes provides some laughs but the rest of the guys are a bit lame while the women are represented with sexless and poor performances from the flat Peters and the 'too smiley by half' Stubbs.

So no, it isn't a good film but it is good, clean family fun that may suit you for an afternoon viewing. The songs, the tone and the cast are all cheap and light – not adding anything to the thin plot or material but they suit a film that tries to be nothing more than family fun and, as such, it is rather enjoyable even if I should really know better.


This movie is one of those enchanting old movies, filmed when musicals were a rage in Hollywood. Sir Cliff Richard totally wows the audience with his immense onscreen charisma as well as his smooth dance moves.

This well-cast movie also has Cliff Richard singing the theme song, albeit a cheery one aptly named "Summer Holiday". Great entertainment and very fun to watch. Gimme Cliff over Travolta anytime!


A follow up of sorts to "The Young Ones", this time Cliff is a London bus driver who manages to convince the company to lend him and his mates a bus so they can cruise around Europe. A likeable cast with some great music, while the plot hardly matters it involves the boys picking up some girls, one of whom is a runaway.

Fabulous scenery and great fun on the sort of holiday everyone should have at 19.


I first saw this flick not in a theater, but on TV back in the late 1970s. It was a very pleasant musical (for what it is), and it shows the so-called 'carefree' days when such films would really matter!

I understand that a soundtrack album was released in the USA! I have been looking for that record for YEARS! Would anybody part with their copy??


I hate it when people review films like the "High School Musical" series as if they're supposed to be "Citizen Kane," so I'm happy to see that the reviewers here took "Summer Holiday" for what it was - teen fun in the sun with lots of music, dancing, color, and a plot so thin you could barely discern it.

It stars that British phenomenon, Sir Cliff Richard, who has the distinction of having top ten hits in the U.K. for every decade through the '90s and today, in his seventies, is still touring and selling out venues. Yet he barely made a ripple here in the states, with the exception of "Devil Woman" and "We Don't Talk Anymore." The story concerns three lads who fix up a double decker tour bus and travel through Europe, picking up three young women whose car has been damaged, plus a runaway (Lauri Peters) and later a St. Bernard dog along the way. The runaway is actually a well-known American singer disguised as a boy, and her mother tries to make it look as if she's been kidnapped in order to get publicity.

Strangely Lauri Peters is American and was the original Broadway Liesl in the Sound of Music - she sounded about as American as Queen Elizabeth. She is a wonderful singer and didn't get to show off her voice enough in this film.

There's a nice exuberance in this film and some very upbeat musical numbers. Richard, a huge teen idol, was adorable and still looks great, in fact. For biggest selling musical artists in the UK, Richard ranks third behind the Beatles and Elvis.

Supposedly the British Elvis, if one thinks of Richard that way, he comes in a poor second. There was only one Elvis, and Richard needs to be taken on his own abilities. He lacks the oozing sexuality in presence and voice of Elvis, though he considered Elvis his absolute inspiration. He could dance better than Elvis, and his singing is sweet and polished, with none of Elvis' passion. And had Elvis not been under the thumb of Colonel Parker, we would have seen more evidence of Elvis' ability as an actor, which was definitely there. Richard's? Handsome, magnetic, a wonderful presence, but acting, not so much. Had Elvis lived drug-free and lasted longer, he would have enjoyed Richard's amazing longevity. Strangely, Elvis had a spiritual bend, as does Richard, and Elvis was known for being a gentleman, as is Richard.

However, all that being said, Richard's films Summer Holiday and Wonderful to be Young and Elvis' films have things in common, two things especially: they were geared to young audiences and they were megahits. Enjoy. Enough said.


Outstanding musical which topped the UK box office that year, as did The Young Ones the previous year. The storyline is straightforward, but the songs, fashions and odd Brit quirks make this a superb piece of pop history. Cliff is superbly naive and the film is primarily a vehicle to sell his music, but it goes beyond that and is harmless, camp, iconic and superbly dated. Watch it and remember! As for being the British Elvis, I'm not convinced. Cliff always speaks highly of Elvis, but the two are not alike and probably shouldn't be compared. While there are several other films by Cliff, this and the Young Ones are the ones to watch. Wonderful Life had the same basic cast and formula, but lacked direction. Later films, like Take me High, while offering an idea of the 70's, don't quite cut it either. Stick to the big 2 and you shouldn't be disappointed.


Cliff is a great singer, always has been always will. When i first heard from my Nan that he made movies in the sixties i didn't know what to think, but now that i have seen it, WOW! Cliff is surrounded by great talent and great people. Melvyn Hayes as Cyril, Teddy Green as Steve and of course Una Stubbs as sandy, what a great cast.

Cliff always comes out on top and he certainly did with this one as it was a box office smash in 1963. Good on them. Many people do not like cliff as a singer and say oh my god not in films as well but how many of them have watched Summer Holiday over the years and how many of those people saw it as a kid, it annoys me that Cliff is criticised over many things, such as he isn't married so he must be gay!, it is a better lifestyle for Cliff as he hasn't got a family to think about, he can go on tour and has no ties.

Summer Holiday is a great musical comedy family movie, i love it and i know many other people do too.


I remember queuing to watch this at the time and thought it was great, saw it on tv recently...hasn't stood the test of time well, cringing to watch to be honest, ho hum, times change I suppose.


The film-musical of Cliff Richard and The Shadows is a selection of brassy dance sets and a couple of The Shadows songs with a basic story where bus mechanics take a bus to France, pick up some girls going to Athens, and an American "boy" stows away to ensure a US cinema release. Along the way they stop in a very Greek looking Yugoslavia and meet some Kossacks (in Yugoslavia ?) who must have come across the Black Sea and got lost or kidnapped by Tito. Product placements - BEA airlines, Intervilla Holidays and BP Zoom Scooter 2 stroke fuel mix.


Very dated teenage offering which is unlikely to appeal to anyone anymore, though the spectacle of a London bus trundling through real European locations has a certain bizarre appeal. Mr Richard has an innocuous personality, an innocuous voice, and this film is all good clean very innocuous fun. The producers have made a big effort not to upstage Mr. Richard's very moderate talents. They do this by surrounding him with folk noticeably less talented and/or attractive. Still, girls are girls.

OTHER VIEWS: Attractive 18-year-old American actress and dancer Lauri Peters makes her British film debut as Cliff Richard's leading lady in the new Associated British musical, "Summer Holiday". Lauri, fair-haired with dark eyes and a mischievous face, was chosen by producer Kenneth Harper for the role after he had flown to see her in New York on the recommendation of American choreographer Herb Ross, who moulded the thrilling dance numbers from Cliff's previous success, "The Young Ones", and who has engineered some even more spectacular numbers for "Summer Holiday". Herb had seen Lauri's work in a Broadway show called "First Impressions", and it was Lauri's own first impression which won her the "Summer Holiday" part. Lauri was born in Michigan and began studying ballet when she was six. Her ambitions have always veered towards acting and dancing and her early rigorous training paid off. — Associated British publicity.


Since this movie revolves around a plot of four mechanics hiring a London red bus and taking it to Athens in Greece that`s probably why the BBC broadcast it on the afternoon of the 13th of August so that it coincides with the opening ceremony of the Olympic games

As for the movie itself it`s very dated with exceeedingly cheesey values that were probably laughable in 1963 never mind 2004 so I guess if it works on any level it`s best viewed as a nostalgia piece for a time that never existed in the first place . A trio of teenage girls share a trip across Europe with four young lads ! Well with Cliff Richard and Melvyn Hayes aboard there`s not much chance of the girls returning home pushing a pram is there ? This innocence gives the movie a charm that soon outlives its welcome but it would be entirely cynical for me to point all this out , it`s a star vehicle ( Geddit ? ) for Sir Cliff Richard possibly the most sincere and genuine singer of the modern pop era who holds a record that will probably never be broken of hitting the number 1 spot in the British charts in the 1950s , 1960s , 1970s , 1980s , and 1990s , that`s five different decades pop pickers


Sir Cliff Richard has been called Britain's Elvis, so the impresarios decided to follow Elvis's footsteps by playing Cliff in a series of nondescript films. The difference is that Elvis had some acting talent that a good director could work with. This does not seem to be the case with Sir Cliff. He comes over as someone who is naive and bossy. As a musician, he is superb, as an actor...no.

The plot is ridiculous. A Routemaster bus is requisitioned and converted into a double decker dormobile to pioneer magic-bus style tours to Mediterranean Europe. Of course, the film makers overlooked the fact that with the speeds these Routemasters travel at, the intrepid teenagers would be eligible for their pensioners' bus passes by the time they reached Athens, and the bus would be a hearse by the time it got back to London.

With Cliff's last two films, The Young Ones and Expresso Bongo, they are worth watching just to see Cliff's backing group, The Shadows (formerly The Drifters) steal the show. In this film, however, with their new drummer and bassist, their visual and musical dynamism are gone, and The Shadows are pancake flat.

There is also a young lady who dresses as a boy. She seems to have everybody fooled...except me.

The theme song is the best part of the film. It would be easier and cheaper just to buy the record.


Summer Holiday has the distinction of being the first film I saw on TV which I had previously seen during its first run at the cinema. That little black and white TV picture wasn't half as good as the big widescreen colourful film at the cinema.

But the film was always fun. Naive fun, to be sure, but fun nevertheless. An undemanding plot carries just enough dramatic tension to hold together the travelogue across Europe, the leads perform adequately, and the songs contain several classics (The Next Time is one of the all-time great ballads, and the Parthenon setting does it spectacular justice).

Cliff's movies were, for the most part, entertaining, and an important part of a career where he has always tended to keep moving. A shame that his most recent move has been providing free holiday accommodation for Teflon Tony and Cruella.


If you didn't like the story, of which there was very little, you would have enjoyed the songs and the sheer teen exuberance of the whole idea - going on a summer holiday tour in an old London double-decker.

In my case, it was just the right amount of medicine for a thirteen-year old with bad case of angst and weltschmerz. I felt the song "The Next Time" was all about me. At the time Cliff Richard was the British counterpart of Pat Boone - clean cut, a little naughty sometimes but generally a "good boy." No parent complained about him.

Cliff's songs were very big hits in my country and we made good although somewhat senseless use of his "Bachelor Boy." As senior scouts we went camping at Mount Makiling, the former site of a World Scouting Jamboree. At 10:00 p.m. after taps when all lights should be out and everybody should be asleep, we would sing it boisterously and a scoutmaster would go up our camping ground, a long way from the tourist lodge where he was staying, to scold the delinquents into piping down. Only he didn't know it was us because the boys from other schools in the other tents never squealed on us. They must have enjoyed our singing.


Summer Holiday finds British pop sensation Cliff Richard cast as a London bus driver who along with three of his mates take a London double-decker bus to Europe and outfit it as a sleep in. If it's successful they want to get a franchise for a fleet of them. Nice entrepreneurship if nothing else. His mates just happen to be the members of the band who back him up.

There are so many numbers in this film that it would qualify as a full blown musical very much along the lines of what Colonel Tom Parker was arranging for Elvis Presley to star in. Personally after seeing two of Richard's films I think he's stylistically more like Ricky Nelson or Frankie Avalon. But the film is an Elvis type musical with a British twist.

Richard's a pleasant enough singer, but Presley beats him as an actor by light years. In his second film the very serious Expresso Bongo, Richard had his best role as essentially playing himself.

The budding entrepreneurs pick up Lauri Peters who was a performer herself and running away from her domineering mother Madge Ryan. If I had a mother like Ryan I'd run away too. Ryan chews two or three sofa beds in her performance, one of the most outrageously overacted I've ever seen. Second to her is Ron Moody who plays a French mime whom the boys pick up while making their trip from France to Athens. The presence of these two people show that like Presley in the USA, Cliff Richard's managers are making sure he gets good support in his films.


Summer Holiday is directed by Peter Yates who also co-writes the story and screenplay with Ronald Cass. It stars Cliff Richard, Lauri Peters, Melvyn Hayes and Una Stubbs. Story sees Richard and three pals take a red London double decker bus into Europe for their summer holiday. On the way their adventure will see them pick up some girls and an assortment of characters. Fun, frolics and songs follow.

Light on plot but big on heart, Summer Holiday is well dated and cheesy but still carries with it enough charm to entertain the undemanding musical fan. Some lively sequences dot themselves throughout, but it's with the foot tapping tunes that the picture remains most memorable. Stand outs include the title track, Batchelor Boy and The Next Time, while the presence of The Shadows is also a bonus. It's unlikely to make big fans of first timers who didn't have it as part of their childhood, but for many the nostalgia factor more than compensates for its 101 formula. And of course for fans of the ever amiable Cliff Richard, film remains essential. 6.5/10


Everyone must know the popular song, well this is the film where it came from. Basically four London Bus mechanics have made a deal with their superiors to a bus around Europe. They go through France, Yugoslavia and Greece throughout, there is a tiny bit of love story, and everyone is singing on the journey. That's about it. Cliff Richard as Don obviously gives the film its little spark, especially with the title song, which went to number one. Also starring Lauri Peters as Barbara Winters, Melvyn Hayes as Cyril, Worzel Gummidge's Una Stubbs as Sandy, Teddy Green as Steve, Pamela Hart as Angie, Jeremy Bulloch as Edwin, Jacqueline Daryl as Mimsie, Madge Ryan as Stella Winters, Lionel Murton as Jerry, Christine Lawson as Annie, Ron Moody as The Great Orlando, David Kossoff as Magistrate, Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch, Jet Harris Jet Harris and Tony Meehan. Not the most memorable musical ever, but bits of it are fun to watch. It was number 99 on The 100 Greatest Family Films. Worth watching!


Summer Holiday is an early example of the pop musical. It was a vehicle for Cliff Richard, who was at this stage a British rock 'n' roll superstar. He also had a squeaky clean image and Summer Holiday certainly does nothing to alter this view. It's about four friends who go on a continental European trip in a London double-decker bus they have converted into a mobile home. They pick up some girls along the way and a series of japes follows soon after.

The story-line is pretty negligible and is a distant second to the scenic locations and songs. Of the latter, there are a few memorable ones but they're mostly not very good really, although the tune played by The Shadows in the nightclub was actually pretty great. Aside from this the movie is primarily made up of light-hearted comedy, with a little bit of romance thrown in for good measure. I guess you could describe it all as charming but I personally thought it to be a little too excessively twee for my tastes and found the comedy a bit wearing after a bit. But it's sort of hard to truly dislike and is kind of okay for what it is.


Lovely Songs of 1960's ending in Greece where my Father was Born. I was in Greece in 1979 when Greece and the Islands where Inexpensive BackPacker's and Leonard Cohens Write Song Books. In contrast to "Guns of Navarone" which is about ww2. Pre Vietnam Protest Period. At that time the Young People Revolted against and mistrusted anybody Over 40 who took part in WW2. Lovely Color Photography in Colorfull Greece, Some of those period films were Black and White. like to have DVD. Plot from Wikipedia : The story concerns Don (Cliff Richard) and his friends (Hayes, Green and Bulloch) who are bus mechanics at the huge London Transport bus overhaul works in Aldenham, Hertfordshire. During a miserably wet British summer lunch break, Don arrives, having persuaded London Transport to lend him and his friends an AEC Regent "RT" double-decker bus (and not a later Routemaster as often quoted). This they convert into a holiday caravan, which they drive across continental Europe, intending to reach the South of France. However, their eventual destination is Athens. On the way, they are joined by a girl trio (Stubbs, Hart and Daryl) and a runaway singer (Lauri Peters), pursued by her mother (Ryan) and agent (Murton). The movie was a huge box-office hit, thus repeating the success of Cliff Richard's earlier film The Young Ones (1961). There are 16 song and musical numbers in the film: "Seven Days to a Holiday", "Let Us Take You for a Ride", "Stranger in Town", "Swinging Affair", "Really Waltzing", "Yugoslavian Wedding", "All At Once", "Summer Holiday", "Bachelor Boy", "Dancing Shoes", "Foot Tapper", "Big News", "The Next Time", "Les Girls", "Round and Round" and "Orlando's Mime".


I like a good musical as much as the next person, and Summer Holiday was pretty good. The film is overlong, and I agree that the story is very slight and verging on the ridiculous side of things and that while there are some amusing and infectious bits of dialogue some of it sounds rather dated and cheesy(perhaps by today's standards). However, it was a very entertaining and colourful film. Despite the length, Summer Holiday is often bright and breezy in the pace, while the production values are terrific and the direction decent enough. The performances are very spirited, Cliff Richard heads the cast and does a great job, while Melvyn Hayes, Lauri Peters and Una Stubbs ably support him. The best part are the songs, all of them are good-natured and memorable with the cheery title song especially epitomising classic status. In conclusion, I liked it. It is a very slight film, but it is also fun and enjoyable thanks to the songs, production values and performances. 7/10 Bethany Cox


For 1963 this musical seems dated. Rock and Roll arrived in the mid fifties but a musical with actual melodic melody and literate lyrics in 1963 was definitely a throw-back. To be fair it probably aspired to nothing more than giving the audience a painless dose of escapism so long as they didn't ask any awkward questions; for example in about the second reel the boys are in the bus on a road in France which is about three times as wide as any road in France that I've ever driven on, clearly shot on the back-lot at Elstree. When they meet the girls who are in a clapped-out car there is a sequence lasting a good ten minutes in which they try to persuade the girls to ride with them which includes a song/dance. During ALL THIS TIME the road is completely EMPTY: No pedestrians, no bicycles, no cars, no vans, no trucks, no lorries, no buses, no coaches. Nothing. In the middle of the day yet. If you can live with this and don't object to the central plot point - a wealthy girl on the run from a controlling parent - being lifted straight out of It Happened One Night, then you may well enjoy this.