» » Eu, tu si Ovidiu (1978)

Eu, tu si Ovidiu (1978) Online

Eu, tu si Ovidiu (1978) Online
Original Title :
Eu, tu si Ovidiu
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Musical
Year :
Directror :
Geo Saizescu
Cast :
Florin Piersic,Violeta Andrei,Sebastian Papaiani
Writer :
Beno Meirovici,Geo Saizescu
Type :
Time :
1h 48min
Rating :
Eu, tu si Ovidiu (1978) Online

Cast overview, first billed only:
Florin Piersic Florin Piersic - Al. Raducanu
Violeta Andrei Violeta Andrei - Ioana Teodorescu
Sebastian Papaiani Sebastian Papaiani - Toma Cernat
Dem Radulescu Dem Radulescu - Tov. Ionescu
Ileana Stana Ionescu Ileana Stana Ionescu - Elvira Ionescu
Vasilica Tastaman Vasilica Tastaman - Lili
Jean Constantin Jean Constantin - Misica
Rodica Popescu Bitanescu Rodica Popescu Bitanescu - Rodica
Dana Dogaru Dana Dogaru - Dana
Aurel Giurumia Aurel Giurumia
Nineta Gusti Nineta Gusti
Geo Saizescu Geo Saizescu
Aurel Cioranu Aurel Cioranu - Martinescu
Stefan Mihailescu-Braila Stefan Mihailescu-Braila - Baciu
Cosma Brasoveanu Cosma Brasoveanu - Florea

User reviews



It is a easy-funny musical, which also let a song in "romanian movie history", and I'm talking about "Ce bine e la mare ...." (It's so good to be at seaside, ... )a song well know in Romania.

Funny situations, jokes and of course, a little happy-ending love-story, modulate for communist party (it is 1977, a full-communist period) and few nice songs, made this movie pleasant to see in an boring afternoon.

The "Ovidiu" from the title of the movie is the statue of Publius Ovidius Naso, a writer from ancient Rome, who lived in Tomis, old name of Constanta.


I resent the way Ersbel Oraph spitefully threw here a few words about "Eu, tu şi Ovidiu" as being the sole product of Communist propaganda. Many feature films (including historical ones) were created at that time accepting the ideological pattern. We, Romanians lived in a country where the media only spoke of what it was told to speak. One might say actors had a choice: to refuse the communist ideology and propaganda. Yes, they could have! Just as the Russians could have refused to create USSR at the beginning of the 20th century, and the Germans could have told Hitler they don't agree with his policy of conquest! What does an actor do in a Communist country? What does a walking bird do? Can one say no to one's calling? I will never be judgmental when it comes to acting in Communist times. Great actors, like those in this movie, have delivered masterpieces. The New Year's Eve TV programs have never been equaled since Ceauşescu's demise. "Eu, tu şi Ovidiu" is an easy going comedy. It is a time document. It's how it was! I don't mean that factory managers were young, glittering and concerned about the Communist goals! But what I do mean is that the Romanian seaside was a great place to go, it was affordable and most Romanians had no problem getting cheap "Union tickets" for seaside hotels, room and board. The movie does stigmatize the social morals of the time. For instance, many had gone along with the idea that the Party was "all-knowing" and "all-powerful" and tried to profit themselves by using the "wooden language" (in Romania we referred to the "wooden language" as being the "ideologically correct" kind of talk that the Communist activists wanted to hear from you - which would clear you from suspicions that you could be an "enemy of the state"). "Eu, tu şi Ovidiu" should be viewed accepting the fact that the actors wanted to enjoy themselves while creating a movie that would brighten the day of those who watched it. It's not true that the acting is mediocre. Florin Piersic, Dem Rădulescu, Sebastian Papaiani, Jean Constantin and other great actors acted splendidly, like they always did. I repeat, it's a light comedy and it should be watched as such. I have no idea how non-Romanians would see it, but I will always watch it with great pleasure. I have recently seen Stalin's favorite Russian movie: Volga-Volga. I entered the atmosphere of those times and was thrilled to understand a very simple truth: As an actor, you make do with what you have. I left aside the ideological considerations and heartily laughed at the playful way they acted. A movie like Volga-Volga is a time capsule. So is "Eu, tu şi Ovidiu". An artistic representation of a dream. For Communism was a dream. It started like a beautiful one and it ended a nightmare. Let's face it, human nature is terrible. But do we have to stay gloomy and harshly judge art from the standpoint of Puritanism? I conclude with a quote from Matthew 6:22, 23: If "thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.""


a charming comedy. about nothing. or about love, work, values of Comunist society,industrial production and soft social critics seductive boss and hot summer, good pretext for meet with the elite of Romanian cinema. all could be fake or silly if the director of the film were not Geo Saizescu. and the explanation is simple - not only his brilliant science to improvise a decent, charming comedy using almost noting is the great virtue of film, but the presence of a couple from fairy tales - Violeta Andrei and Florin Piersic. because, the film is a useful tool for understand the entertainment in the first part of Ceaușescu regime.


A propaganda story using the regular communist drones. Any trace of talent is optional. Otherwise this is a sorry attempt to copy the musical features already popular in the West.

The cast was made through the same algorithm as the story. One important party director, Geo Saizescu, takes the peasant male symbol Florin Piersic. Piersic is intellectually the same as Nicolae Ceaușescu, but bodily he is the exact opposite. Add the bimbo wife of the Foreign Affairs Minister. And you have a political bomb.

The only plus I can find to this piece is the lack of nationalist agenda.

Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch