» » The Baby Shower (2006)

The Baby Shower (2006) Online

The Baby Shower (2006) Online
Original Title :
The Baby Shower
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy / Musical
Year :
Directror :
Robert Deleskie
Cast :
Sylvie Bouchard,Keiko Ninomiya
Writer :
David Danzon,Robert Deleskie
Type :
Time :
Rating :

In this unusual musical comedy, a lonely office manager dances a bittersweet duet with a pregnant colleague - and helps deliver her 'baby.'

The Baby Shower (2006) Online

In this unusual musical comedy, a lonely office manager dances a bittersweet duet with a pregnant colleague - and helps deliver her 'baby.'
Credited cast:
Sylvie Bouchard Sylvie Bouchard
Keiko Ninomiya Keiko Ninomiya