» » Riesig (2011)

Riesig (2011) Online

Riesig (2011) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Goa Borrek
Budget :
Type :
Rating :
Riesig (2011) Online

Credited cast:
Tamara Brinkman Tamara Brinkman - Dochter

User reviews



In a small mental hospital in occupied Holland a man wakes up. He decides his treatment is over. The medicine looks shady to say the least and so does the Nazi that brews it. Then there's her...and then there's a plan.

The plan is not that great either:)

A strange romantic tale set in troubling times.

-A small look in the madness of WW2, the madness of a madhouse and plans brewing in the the minds of all involved.

Shots in 48 hours for the 48-hourfilmproject 2010, The Netherlands. Nominated for Best Cinematography Winner of the Audience Award.