» » Farebi (1974)

Farebi (1974) Online

Farebi (1974) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Sudesh Issar,Suresh Issar
Cast :
Vinod Khanna,Moushumi Chatterjee,Bindu
Type :
Rating :
Farebi (1974) Online

The story of a movie revolves around a man who leaves his home at early age. He is sent to a lady's house to pretend that he's her lost son. The story takes a turn when he gets to know about his real relationship with her.
Credited cast:
Vinod Khanna Vinod Khanna - Shanker / Ranjit
Moushumi Chatterjee Moushumi Chatterjee
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Bindu Bindu
Ramesh Deo Ramesh Deo
C.S. Dubey C.S. Dubey
Uma Dutt Uma Dutt - Doctor
Faryal Faryal - Mona
Anwar Hussain Anwar Hussain
Jankidas Jankidas - Manoharlal
Randhir Randhir - Vishwas Jindal
Ranjeet Ranjeet
Nirupa Roy Nirupa Roy - Ranjit's Mother

User reviews



The movie revolves around the lost & found formula, which was very popular in the 1970s Hindi film industry.

The lost son (Khanna) is a gambler cum thief, he is sent to his mother's house (Nirupa Roy), which he left when he was a little child, to pretend to be her lost son. In the process e falls in love with Moushmi Chatterji and realizes the truth about his identity.

The film has some nice songs & some good filming locations.

This movie was listed by the magazine "Picture Post" as one of the 1974 hits; however, seems like people forgot about it as there are no Video/ DVD releases or even satellite telecast.