» » Heroes with a Tail: The Animal Detectives

Heroes with a Tail: The Animal Detectives Online

Heroes with a Tail: The Animal Detectives  Online
Original Title :
Heroes with a Tail: The Animal Detectives
Genre :
TV Series / Family
Cast :
Junes Callaert,Laurian Serno,Sander Slingerland
Type :
TV Series
Time :
Rating :
Heroes with a Tail: The Animal Detectives Online

Why did Ning Nong the Thai elephant bother to bring a young girl to higher grounds when he sensed a tsunami? Why did a group of Australian dolphins decide to protect a swimming family against a looming shark attack? An international investigation team of young researchers tries to get to the bottom of incredible but true rescue stories like these. They are online friends from different countries who share a passion for funny animal films, extraordinary animal facts and remarkable acts of animal heroism. Together, they try to figure out what makes an animal a hero.
Credited cast:
Junes Callaert Junes Callaert - Jamey (2018-)
Laurian Serno Laurian Serno - Milan (2018-)
Sander Slingerland Sander Slingerland - Boaz (2018-)
Olivia Sprague Olivia Sprague - Herself - (2018-)
Moïs Tims Moïs Tims - Layla (2018-)
Zita Wauters Zita Wauters - Lina (2018-)