» » This Woman's Work (2004)

This Woman's Work (2004) Online

This Woman's Work (2004) Online
Original Title :
This Womanu0027s Work
Genre :
Movie / Drama / Short
Year :
Directror :
Dominic Koletes
Cast :
Courtney Clonch,Will Finley,Renair Milstein
Writer :
Dominic Koletes
Type :
Time :
Rating :
This Woman's Work (2004) Online

Credited cast:
Courtney Clonch Courtney Clonch - Melissa Federici
Will Finley Will Finley - Buzz McCarthy
Renair Milstein Renair Milstein - Brenda
Allie Rivenbark Allie Rivenbark - Kiki McCarthy
Casey Williams Casey Williams - Nilda Federici

User reviews



Dominic Koletes has inspired hundreds if not thousands of students to work hard to be successful in the film industry with his thesis film, "This Woman's Work". A short film that is driven by phenomenal character performances, superb direction and a truly touching story about a teen girl who is forced to deal with pregnancy without the support of her family, Koletes masterfully draws on hopes, fears, and emotions of the audience.

As a student of Dominic Koletes, and with personal knowledge of what he had to go through to get this film made, it is a testament to the fact that film can change the world and it can be done by anybody who cares enough about the story to never accept defeat. It is one of the most inspiring films I have ever seen on the bigscreen, and it deserves to be mentioned by someone, somewhere. That person is me and that place is IMDb. Watch this film. Come to the Los Angeles Film School, find Dominic Koletes, and ask to see his film.