» » Off Key (2010)

Off Key (2010) Online

Off Key (2010) Online
Original Title :
Off Key
Genre :
Creative Work / Short / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Jaz Garewal
Cast :
Liz Beach,Chris Farishon,Raj Garewal
Writer :
Jaz Garewal
Type :
Creative Work
Time :
Rating :

Succumbing to the pressures of success, singer-songwriter Jonas Moreland goes off the grid and hides out in Arizona with Norah, his best friend from high school (they like-liked each other, not 'like'-liked).

Off Key (2010) Online

Succumbing to the pressures of success, singer-songwriter Jonas Moreland goes off the grid and hides out in Arizona with Norah, his best friend from high school (they like-liked each other, not 'like'-liked).
Credited cast:
Liz Beach Liz Beach - Norah
Chris Farishon Chris Farishon - Anika
Raj Garewal Raj Garewal - Trevor
Stephen B. Gladish Stephen B. Gladish - Steve
Lora Marie Jones Lora Marie Jones - Astrid
David Magoon David Magoon - Malcolm
Michael McCaskill Michael McCaskill - Mike
Jonathan Northover Jonathan Northover - Jonas
Chris Wolf Chris Wolf - Librarian