Nancy and Jack, her sweetheart, start merrily enough for the May dance on the village green, where they encounter Lord Craven, a dissolute roué, who lays a wager with his roystering ... See full summary
In the Days of Witchcraft (1909) Online

Nancy and Jack, her sweetheart, start merrily enough for the May dance on the village green, where they encounter Lord Craven, a dissolute roué, who lays a wager with his roystering companions that he will succeed in getting a kiss from Nancy. Daring the Maypole dance Craven attempts to win his wager but meets with a hearty repulse and retires discomfited to the White Horse Tavern vowing vengeance, to the amusement of his companions. Jack, learning of Craven's misconduct, seeks him out and a desperate fight ensues in which Jack is rendered unconscious by a blow from Craven's heavy walking stick. When Jack recovers his mind is blank, he is idiotic. Craven denounces Nancy as a witch, claiming that she has bewitched Jack. A warrant is issued and Nancy is arrested, tried and sentenced to be burned at the stake, unless she uses her alleged art of witchcraft to restore Jack's reason. She fails to do so. Jack recovers his reason, learns of his sweetheart's great danger and reaches the public...