A gentleman of inventive turn of mind has produced an automatically operated figure. The page tampers with it in the absence of the master and unfortunately breaks the mechanism. The master... See full summary
The Substitute Automatic Servant (1908) Online

A gentleman of inventive turn of mind has produced an automatically operated figure. The page tampers with it in the absence of the master and unfortunately breaks the mechanism. The master having invited his friends with a view to inspecting his masterpiece is in a predicament, but hits upon the novel plan of substituting his valet for the mechanical figure. The deception works perfectly for a time and it is very apparent that the operations, although quite regular, are mechanically performed. At the dinner a little accident, in which the master gets a quantity of liquor down his neck instead of in his glass, makes the deception all the more perfect, but the climax is reached when at the dance the figure drops a tray of wine glasses and embracing one of the prettiest women, joins in the dance.