» » The Adventures of Brigadier Wellington-Bull A Clubbable Man (1959– )

The Adventures of Brigadier Wellington-Bull A Clubbable Man (1959– ) Online

The Adventures of Brigadier Wellington-Bull A Clubbable Man (1959– ) Online
Original Title :
A Clubbable Man
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy
Year :
Cast :
Alexander Gauge,Valerie Singleton,Donald Hewlett
Writer :
Austin Melford
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Adventures of Brigadier Wellington-Bull A Clubbable Man (1959– ) Online

Episode credited cast:
Alexander Gauge Alexander Gauge - Brig. Garnett Wellington-Bull
Valerie Singleton Valerie Singleton - Jane Wellington-Bull
Donald Hewlett Donald Hewlett - Capt. 'Sooty' Pilkington
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Carl Bernard Carl Bernard - Fred, a Soho type
Erik Chitty Erik Chitty - Club chairman
Paul Eddington Paul Eddington - Harry, another Soho type
Miriam Karlin Miriam Karlin - Coffee bar assistant
Frank Leighton Frank Leighton - Plainclothes policeman
Mela White Mela White - Showgirl