Poor Harold! Love was a canker in his heart because his limited means would not permit him to dress in swell clothes, while his rival for Florabel's affections, the head clerk of the very ... See full summary
An Absent-Minded Cupid (1909) Online

Poor Harold! Love was a canker in his heart because his limited means would not permit him to dress in swell clothes, while his rival for Florabel's affections, the head clerk of the very office in which he worked, dressed in such elegant attire. It galled his clerkly soul to be thus contrasted in the fair one's eyes, but he persisted in his wooing despite the condition of his suit. Did he but have money how quickly he would administer a metaphorical slap on the head clerk's love wrist. One portentous evening Harold determined his lady love should have a treat. He would dine her at a restaurant, but, alas! there was an overcoat needed. He bridged his trouble by borrowing one of Percy, a fellow clerk, and hied himself forth with Florabel to sup. Here his troubles began. An elderly gentleman, afflicted with absent-mindedness, appropriated the overcoat as he went out, and with it went all of Harold's small stock of money. When he had finished dining, what a situation Harold found himself...
Released as a split reel along with A Squeedunk Sherlock Holmes (1909).