» » The Scarehouse (2014)

The Scarehouse (2014) Online

The Scarehouse (2014) Online
Original Title :
The Scarehouse
Genre :
Movie / Crime / Horror / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Gavin Michael Booth
Cast :
Sarah Booth,Kimberly-Sue Murray,Katherine Barrell
Writer :
Gavin Michael Booth,Sarah Booth
Budget :
CAD 200,000
Type :
Time :
1h 24min
Rating :
The Scarehouse (2014) Online

Two years after a tragic accident, six college girls are invited to a party inside an elaborate Halloween funhouse. Once inside, the girls realize their hosts' intentions are not all fun and games.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Sarah Booth Sarah Booth - Corey Peters
Kimberly-Sue Murray Kimberly-Sue Murray - Elaina Forrester
Katherine Barrell Katherine Barrell - Jaqueline Gill
Dani Barker Dani Barker - Emily Lewis
Teagan Vincze Teagan Vincze - Shelby Hickman
Emily Alatalo Emily Alatalo - Katrina Larson
Jennifer Miller Jennifer Miller - Lisa Jenner
Ivana Kingston Ivana Kingston - Caitlin Bowden (as Ivana Stojanovic)
Brad Everett Brad Everett - Brandon Philips
Jack Ettlinger Jack Ettlinger - Tom Gignac
Alex Harrouch Alex Harrouch - Stu
Jonathan Dubsky Jonathan Dubsky - Billy
Sean Kaufmann Sean Kaufmann - Reg White
Julie Williams Julie Williams - Patricia Johnson
Tanya Bevan Tanya Bevan - Carla Coyle

User reviews



How on earth this has been rated so highly i have no idea. Like other bad reviews of the film have stated, I've got a feeling the higher score were written by people involved with the film.

The film was so god awful I felt compelled to open an IMDb account to review it.

It really was the worst film I've ever seen.

I don't really care that the acting is rubbish, but there is nothing, absolutely nothing good to say about this film.

I stuck with it till the end, out of sheer determination, why I don't know, I should have done some hoovering instead.

One review said the ending left it open for a sequel. It doesn't and thank god for that.


I don't mind watching the odd horror movie which has you on the edge of your seat with a decent story and great acting. (or even average acting) This has none of them, its like something a bunch of kids would make with gore for the sake of it and silly cheap thrills like young girls half naked messing around in a room it has absolutely no suspense or story nothing keeps you gripped to the screen to see what happens next. I actually started to fast forward the movie in places hoping things would improve..... but they did not.

If you gave a camera and some fake blood to a teenage and told him to go and make a horror movie this is what he would come up with


Just by watching the trailer you can get a good idea of what this movie is going to be about. I am a big horror buff, and I enjoy even the worst B-rated horror movies. Scarehouse is definitely in that category, but it takes a swing and misses on many aspects that other B-rated movies do well.

Let me say this before continuing. Horror movies lately have rarely ever made me truly feel a moment of dread, but they typically have a story you can roll your eyes at, but The Scarehouse is painful to watch even for the strongest movie buff.

I wont give a synopsis since you can read it on IMDb, but I will say that it's a petty story of revenge. The movie looks like it was done on a budget, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. The setting fits very well for the direction the story wanted to go in. I did enjoy that there were no moments when I couldn't see what was happening and there are never any moments that purposely attempt to make you jump. That is about the only place this movie shines at. The acting honestly is not bad. All the actress did a believable job for a horror movie of this class, but the short roles of the male actors felt unrehearsed and thrown together to quickly.

The problem with this movie is its terrible story telling. You are given bits and pieces of past events through out the movie, and by time the climax comes it still doesn't feel like any of the actions are justified even slightly. The whole movie plays out like an emotional teenagers diary. I usually don't mind revenge tales, but this one just didn't pull me in.

FINAL VERDICT: For a horror movie the lead actresses are the only reason you may stay. The performance is not Oscar worthy, but I did not find myself hating it. The story is poorly done and ruins any possible chance of enjoying this movie. Mixed with torture and a late climax you're better off watching paint dry for the evening.


*Review Contains Light Spoilers But Nothing That Will Ruin The Film*

I'll start off by saying I have nothing to do with this film at all. I'm not from the cast or crew and it wasn't shot in my hometown. It's very obvious that 90% of the reviews for this film so far are fake, so just getting out of the way that I am simply a movie watcher who went into this with an open mind.

So with that said I just have to say this was a pretty bad movie. Right from the beginning I was tempted to shut it off, the cast was just so annoying it made it really hard to continue, but I sucked it up and decided to finish the movie. Once the ball gets rolling we realize that this is a tale of revenge, two sorority girls getting back at their sisters for something unknown to us at this point. It's an alright idea, but the execution was awful.

The girls stage a haunted house in order to play out their revenge on their sisters, the only thing is that the two girls and the rest of the cast were extremely unlikeable. There really is no one at all to root for in the movie, every single character is really a bad person at their core so you kinda just want everyone to get killed. We are treated to A LOT of dialogue between the cast and this is where the movie got really bad, why would we want to see a bunch of unlikeable people have drawn out conversations about things we don't care about?

So then the killing starts, which is one of the slightly positive things I can say about this film, there are one or two good kill scenes. But that's it, with all these victims they could have at least gone the route of taking them out in gory ways, but instead we get one or two decent kills and the rest are fairly tame or done off screen.

Also the soundtrack it definitely worth mentioning, because it is so bad. I was tempted to mute my TV on a few parts so that I wouldn't have to listen to these awful generic party songs.

Overall this movie is just a big mess. The one thing they did do really well at was making an hour and twenty minutes feel like an eternity. Ignore the fake reviews and skip the one, you are better off watching Sorority Row or one of the other many all female cast horror movies that did the concept MUCH better than "The Scarehouse"


Don't worry, there are no spoilers in this review because there's nothing to spoil.

First of all, I have to address the fake reviews and votes. It really speaks volumes about the people involved with this production. There is no way this movie can get anything beyond a 1. Sometimes movies are so bad, that they become interesting and amusing to watch. This is not the case with The Scarehouse. There's not a single positive thing I can list after 83 minutes. This is why all those high votes are absurd and honestly quite offensive to everyone's intelligence. This is nothing more than people involved with this film, making fake profiles and giving unrealistically high ratings and writing reviews, to trick people into seeing a low budget douchebaggery, talentless director and talentless cast engage in a pointless exercise in film making.

Like I said, this film offers nothing. The story is boring and unclear, dialog is meaningless and at times cringe worthy, characters are underdeveloped and very unlikable, and as a whole it's not remotely entertaining, not scary, not realistic and full of clichés. The fact that the guy that directed it, wrote it with his wife and then cast his wife as a lead, tells you a lot. It boggles the mind that with a script like this, he found any resources, funding and support to film it at all. Seeing what he put on display, he could have had the budget of Dark Knight, and would still have failed. When it comes to the cast, Penny the waitress from "The Big Bang Theory" comes to mind, because that's the type of girls they hired for this movie. At least Kaley Cuoco is attractive, which cannot be said for any of the cast members of The Scarehouse, but that's beside the point. I can't imagine they got more than 200 dollars for the roles. The actual Scarehouse in the movie looks like a bad Halloween underground techno party set in '90s Detroit. Camera work is bad and I can't imagine they used anything more the a basic Canon SLR. Torture scenes are laughable, and comparing them to Saw movies like someone suggested is a blatant lie. I'm not even going to address the storyline, simply because it's boring, predictable and a mix of clichés we've all seen before.The only thing I can imagine being more cringe-inducing than watching The Scarehouse, is how the family members of waitresses/actresses felt watching this, and then having to tell them it was good, lying to their face. I don't know how much money was spent, but it was money wasted. With success some limited budget Indies have had over the years, a movement of dbag directors making terrible movies has risen. This needs to stop. To the waitresses/actresses I recommend sticking to your day job because pulling of a Jennifer Aniston, from a leprechaun movie to millions per episode, is a 1 in a 300 million chance. "Getting your foot in the door" mentality, is why stupid movies like this one exist. This also needs to stop.

The thing that compelled me to write this review is not the fact the movie was bad, it was awful don't get me wrong, but it was the pathetic attempts to raise the rating and the chance of people seeing it, with fake reviews. I hope IMDb comes up with some way to stop this kind of behavior. To the cast and crew of The Scarehouse who engaged in such feeble attempts, know that it has backfired and the rating is bound to go well below the one your pathetic attempt at film has now.

Skip The Scarehouse, but do spread the word so people don't waste their valuable time. This movie couldn't even appeal to teenage girls who go to Wall Mart with dried toothpaste on their zits and listen to Iggy Azalea.


The 8, 9, and 10-star reviews of this movie are absolute and total lies. I understand everyone likes something different, BUT most movies don't deserve high ratings like this movie got, not even blockbusters. And this movie is no blockbuster. Giving it a Razzy Award is an insult to the Razzy Awards. If I found out this was a high-school student production, then fine. But a movie made by adults, there's no excuse for the horrific direction, writing, and acting, and cinematography, and...well, everything else. Heck, the catering cart for the cast and crew was probably awful, too. The storyline is insane, and the reason for the killings is just stupid. Even if they only invested $100 into this movie, I don't know where they put it. There is one scene of nudity showing a pair of breasts.

I gave this a 1-star rating. Trust me, it's not even close to a solid 1-star. This movie had no saving grace except for the fact that it finally ended. Unfortunately, this is the type of movie that the horror genre (my favorite genre, btw) is filled to the brim with; cheap, tripe, trashy and incoherent. To find a diamond, we have to sift through a lot of coal. Trust me, this movie wasn't even coal. Put an "S" at the beginning of "hit", and that's what I think of this film.

Do not waste your time with this garbage. I guarantee you that the reviews of 8,9 and 10 stars came only from the people who made this worthless excuse of a movie that should've been aborted before the camera recorded a single second. Nobody else in their right mind would've given this anything but a 1, maybe 2-star rating. The other reviews are fakes. Hopefully in the future, IMDb will come up with some sort of system that disallows fake reviews from being posted. Not only do I NOT recommend this movie, I strongly advise anyone against watching it.



Scarehouse shows some potential but the director/writer messed the story up - I had especially trouble to connect to the motivations of the killer-duo: You let yourself talk into doing some bullshit (drugging the guy) and on top your are too dumb to check that he's in such a bad condition that he is about to die!? And you blame the other girls for your dumbness!? And you don't only want to kill them but you even need to torture them in most horrible ways only a pevert can imagine!? I guess the movie-makers realized how weak the motivation (some years in prison and a bad reputation) is for such a doing and added the suicide of one mother, but anyway, imo anything but convincing. ***BIG SPOILERs*** But the director/writer even messed the end up: If both the killer girls would have hanged themselves we would have got some kind of poetical suicide in the end, but instead one of the girls betrays the other and this is done so dumb - stabbing herself and leaving the fingerprints on the knife will not help much. Both girls left fingerprints and other evidences on the whole scare-house and on the victims, so how the f*** she thinks she would have the slightest chance to get away with from being jailed for lifetime or riding the electrical chair!?

So what's left to say!? Scarehouse is no disaster but could have been much better with some more care story-side. An one-timer for the connoisseur of revenge horror movies. The gore level I would call rather low, so this is imo no torture porn (but "highlights" are some of those I admit creative torture/kill scenes).


This movie was worst. I was looking forward to this movie. Was disappointed . The movies lost the plot, was poorly written and directed. Cool judo Lisa was the best part of the movie. This movie was a poor representation of females. I really couldn't get behind this movie, the character were not realistic at all, I just wanted it to end . This is trying to be a gore fest chick killer flick, it's not. It was trying to be too much and ending up coming up short. There are much better movies out there, don't waste your time.

No substance, no class .

Would have thought better from Windsor .


I go from watching 3 very good films... All About Eve, Sunset Bvd, and The Babadook... to the worst horror film perhaps I've ever seen... turned it off after maybe 15 minutes.

Scarehouse (2014)

The only people rating this a 9 or 10 are shills and idiots, no one who knows film rates this up there with the best movies of all time. All the stupid party/music video scenes are made to appeal to dumb teens, I know how it works... but it's bad movie making, any time you lower your film to the lowest common denominator you are no longer an artist, you are a tool.

But this movie is so bad it's nearly unwatchable, it's formulaic crap... basic torture porn with female antagonists.




I love horror movies. I also love bad horror movies. I love jump scares, gore, mind games, torture porn, naked chicks and people getting there comeuppances. I love campy dialogue, lame puns, clever innuendos and over-the-top revenge monologues. One thing I cannot abide, however, is bad writing.

The Scarehouse has a terrible script with glaringly atrocious dialogue that forces the poor actors into flip-flopping over which emotion they're supposed to emote harder than Hillary flip-flops on her policy stances (ay-o! #feelthebern). The fact that this movie was written, directed AND even EDITED by the same person probably explains a lot of the problems this movie encountered.

There is nothing redeeming about this movie. The entire time you're left asking yourself, "Why is this happening? Why is she scared now - she is killing them! We're crying now? Oh, no, we're scared again. Wait, nope, back to emotionless psychopath mode. Oh, never mind... Who's that? Nevermind, she's dead now..."

There's no reason to care for a single character that flails about on screen, and the characters your ultimately supposed to side with are probably the least likable. Still, your disdain for these two doesn't diminish your level of apathy for any of their victims (not a spoiler, the killers are revealed almost as an introduction to the film).

The choices some of these characters makes. There's no suspense in being forced to hold a running hair dryer over your head while soaking in a bathtub if you can just, I don't know, rest your elbows on the sides? Or even hang your arms outside the tub??? Also, in a 5 foot room why do you need to step closer to someone your pointing a gun at just to be precariously lined up with said bathtub? But never mind, because she isn't pushed in the tub and electrocuted, no no - she's just tackled to the ground (whereafter she just gets up and kicks the crap out of the attacker just like she had in every other scene she was in up until that point). Don't get me started on the TV death scene. Just don't. I need to stop before I think anymore about the pillow-fight scene (not even campy, just... stop).

But the gore... honestly... it was so bad. Basically the camera just cuts away when something gory would have happened, then cuts back after reaction takes to a glimpse of the results (the eyelash scene was especially weak).

I've already wasted too much of my life on this movie. I don't need to waste anymore of it on this review.

Don't waste your time with this movie. Don't believe the positive reviews. I wouldn't even watch it again to critique it for money.

I hope another movie like this is never made again.


What could have been a nasty revenge flick taking place at a scarehouse sadly turns in a flick with nothing really scary to see and when the horror should come in the editing fades to black.

With fading to black it's up to the illusion of the viewer to think how bad the victims are getting their punishment but of course that doesn't work. There are also faults in editing on part of close-ups but hey, let's stick to the flick.

The only good thing is that slowly the flick shows why those two girls are getting revenge against their friends. But overall the flick is lame. each girl who needs to be punished comes alone to the scarehouse and one by one, really?

A perfect example how a low budget can go wrong. But luckily for the production, it's still watchable.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5


It's more entertaining to watch a monkey eat its turds than watch this. I found this crap on Showtime. Showtime and Canada should be ashamed of even being involved in this mess. The story line is so dumb you just won't care who dies. Stupid story of revenge for something so petty. I'm as liberal as can be, but I had to smack the side of my face because, my eyes rolled to the back of my head when they said "Red State"(These people are from farking Canada). That ending was just as stupid. I wonder if the police don't take criminal's prints in Canada, because it's NO way any of them would get away with it.

You're going to have to constantly hit the mute button


'The Scarehouse' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an slightly intriguing but very derivative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'The Scarehouse' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is next to nothing to recommend and it is a complete un-scary experience.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both dreadfully done. Not to mention a whole novel's worth of inconsistencies and continuity errors.

A lot of 'The Scarehouse' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, it is completely unimaginative, very repetitive and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror and resorting to cheap typical horror tropes. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, inexperience seems to be all over the film, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, near-irredeemably awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox


This Canadian cheapie is an indie horror flick about six college girls who head off to a Halloween funhouse for some spooky time, only to find themselves menaced by true evil. Yep, it's another bog-standard production that's endlessly padded out with random chit chat and boring characterisation, one of the worst films I can remember seeing in a long time. The girls hang out all the while and deliver their lines in a boring way while there's very little in the way of plot development or indeed horror.


Let me start this review by saying if you only watch 1-2 movies a month at most, you probably shouldn't watch a movie like this. This movie isn't one of my favorites, and it does not have any recognizable actors or director behind it.

For a movie of its kind, it certainly deserves 8/10 stars though.

I've been watching a lot of Horror again recently, and its sad to see people that clearly aren't fans of low-budget horror giving movies like this a low rating.

If you think this is bad acting, then you either expected it to be a Hollywood film, or you are very selective in your low-budget viewings. The acting did not bother me at all.


This is one of those movies you need to see without seeing the trailer, reading the reviews, getting Intel on the production etc etc.. One thing a reviewer said on here was that it was too graphic, i disagree. This horror movie lover has probably avoided Hostel and Saw. Watching the (misleading) trailer for this movie, i expected some kind of gritty torture porn film that would wear you out and make you want to watch Spongebob for the next couple hours. i was pleasantly surprised when i found out this isn't the case. Revenge movies have to be my favorite sub-genre for horror films. Theirs always an explanation for it all, a key element most horror films are missing. That being said I'm not a picky movie goer and even if you are i think this movie would still be enjoyable. Couple things that weren't so great about this film: I overlooked the dialog because I found it trying too hard to be witty, it came off cheesy and those girls were the only ones laughing. Another thing was the character development, although the actions are clear i had a hard time figuring out which girl was which, because you only see them on a video camera and when they reunite 2 years later with different hairstyles. Last thing was the actual scare house, i thought their wasn't enough of it. i would have loved to see a little bit more done with it, the film is after all titled off it. particularly a scene where Cory sticks her hand through a hole to trip one of the guests at the haunted house, it would have been smart to trip a terrified victim running down that hall. Overall its not the 'worst' movie ever, i happen to be a fan of sorority row and martyrs, so i think this movies right down that alley. this movie is not for the faint of heart, but for dark comedy lovers and gory torture scenes we haven't gotten in awhile


"Mean Girls meets Saw" is definitely a perfect way to describe this movie. When the director told me that, I was a little confused at how a movie could be two different things, but it was. To be honest, I had no idea what to expect before watching it. I absolutely hate horror films because they give me nightmares for weeks, have poor acting, and an awful storyline. The Scarehouse was certainly NOT a stereotypical horror film. The two main characters were powerful girls (although crazy), and even though the other girls were "weak and dumb sorority girls", one of them surprised me (you'll understand in the film). The storyline had meaning, everything from the beginning scene with the ropes to the end all had meaning, which made you more intrigued. The two main girls did an amazing job at portraying the intricate roles, their characters were very different and Elaina's doubts during the situation were realistic considering this is the first time they have done something like this, they are not serial killers. I only had a few problems with the film. First, it took a while for the viewers to learn why they were seeking revenge, the purpose should be clear in the beginning. Second, the death of the birthday boy didn't seem crazy enough for the girls to go and do this, they are the ones who put the drugs in the cup. Other than that, if you enjoy a horror film with suspense, comedic relief and gore, I would recommend watching The Scarehouse!
Sermak Light

Sermak Light

"The Scarehouse" is yet another example as to what is wrong with the Canadian film industry. The biggest reason as to why the movie fails can be seen in its credits. The person who is given credit for the direction (Gavin Michael Booth) not only directed the movie, he is given credit for the script, editing, and as one of the movie's producers. The Canadian government loves to fund movie projects by "auteurs", even though there are very few people in the Canadian film industry (or film industries in other countries, for that matter) that can successfully take on more that one role on the production of a movie. Obviously, there was really no one on board this movie project that could interfere with Booth's vision, and as a result, this movie fails like so many vanity productions. The characters in the movie are all repulsive, the narrative is garbled, and the production values (such as with bargain basement cinematography and lighting) are absolutely rock bottom... among many other problems. While I'm glad that the Canadian government is starting to fund more commercial movies instead of just art house dramas, they still don't seem to understand that the bulk of the movies they are choosing to fund (regardless of genre) simply are doomed to failure because they are badly conceived vanity projects. Unless the Canadian government changes their policy, Canadians will continue to ignore their filmmakers' films.


The Scarehouse is not your typical horror movie. In a typical horror film, you side with the victims. You want to see them outsmart the killer(s). You want to see them come out the other side safe and sound. You want to see Sidney, Dewey and Gale riding off into the sunset with smiles on their faces. You definitely don't want to see that in the Scarehouse!

In the Scarehouse, you want to see Corey and Elaina unwrap their morbid revenge plot. You want to see their enemies suffer. And as it unfolds, you hear a voice in your head that whispers, "Get Her!"

How often does that happen in a horror movie? How often do you identify with deranged executioners bent on grisly revenge against their former sorority 'sisters'? I really hope the answer to that question is ,'not often!'

But that's what sets The Scarehouse apart.

Corey and Elaina could be your friends. They're pretty. They're funny. They're endearing. They seem nice! They just happen to have a bone to pick with a group of girls that really screwed them over. And we, as viewers, can all relate to being screwed over! They were both sorority pledges competing for the last spot in the house and they both lost out.

I have to hand it to Sarah Booth and Kimberly-Sue Murray. They made these characters come alive! This is an independent movie. The acting should not be this good! Their on-screen chemistry is infectious. It grabs you and immediately pulls you over to their side of the argument. They may be damaged, but there's a vibrance in their outlook that makes you want to cheer them on. You just want to see them succeed in their homicidal mischief!

And on that note, let me just say that the acting is a direct result of the writing. The film has a solid plot. Its balanced. It isn't blatant, nor is it convoluted.And that hinges on the believability that two people could lose just enough of their minds to make this happen. The deaths aren't over the top like in SAW, but they aren't as basic as Halloween either. They sit comfortably in the realm of possibility and under the circumstances of the back-story, they seem justified.

Another great point to make is that there wasn't actually too much gore. This is a mistake made by too many horror movies today. Viewers don't need to see every single internal organ come falling out of a victim's midsection in order to be scary. The Scarehouse definitely hit a perfect balance of fright vs. gore.

Another area in which The Scarehouse excels is the soundtrack. Throughout my initial viewing of the movie, I hadn't even noticed it. And that, in my definition, is the mark of a great soundtrack! It wasn't until I watched the film for a second time that I noticed the music. There are a few songs from local artists that play at integral parts of the movie, but it was the score that really got me. When you watch a scary movie, or any movie for that matter, the soundtrack is the heartbeat of the film.

It speeds up, you get tense. It slows down, you relax. The mark of a good score though, is experiencing these emotions without realizing that its the soundtrack that's causing them. I have to hand it to the composer (Adrian Ellis) . He did a great job of eliciting an involuntary response from my subconscious.

One area that I would like to make special note of is the 'found footage'. This is something that has become somewhat common-place in many horror movies over the last few years. But instead of following the likes of the Blair Witch, Gavin Booth uses a more Atom Egoyan style with his found footage. Instead of pushing the film forward, he uses it to pull us back into the past, when Corey and Elaina were still innocent pledges.

This was one area that really stood out to me. The genius of the slow reveal. The found footage flashbacks help you come to an understanding of the events that led Corey and Elaina to their present situation. Throughout them, you can begin to see why they're bent on revenge. In the climax of the movie, after all is revealed, you can't help but stand firmly beside them, believing that they are justified in their retribution.

All in all, The Scarehouse is a hit! There is so much more that could be said about this movie but there is only one thing that needs to be said; Go see it! Its a small independent movie filmed in a small Ontario city by a director from an even smaller Ontario town. It's been a long time since a movie has come along that had the wit, fright and overall pure brilliance of Scream. Personally, I think The Scarehouse is that movie.
I am hcv men

I am hcv men

BIG TIME Horror Buff here. Let me say this first this is not a biased opinion as I do know the Director. That being said I went into watching this with some skepticism knowing it was his first attempt at a Hollywood movie. After watching it I must say I am seriously impressed with the limited budget and a cast of nobody's they managed to pull it off and make a great B Movie. It is most definitely worth a watch even if you only see it once. I recommend you watch it. Filmed here in Windsor Ontario Canada at an Actual Halloween Scarehouse here. The acting was good not top of the line but for a bunch of nobody's it was good the special effects were not Die Hard like but they were better than some B Movies I have seen and the plot is interesting and keeps you along for the ride.


You're going to make up your own mind, so here's what you need to know: This movie is about two badarse girls who have had a lot of time to plan sick, twisted, poetic justice upon some basic bewitches who they feel have wronged them. There is an actual plot, so don't dismiss the sorority house scenes, because the tortures that follow are not random at all. In fact, put your subtitles on, because the conversations are a bit hard to hear, and the dialogue isn't great, but they're important. I enjoyed re-watching the first few scenes after the credits. I found the flashback storyline a bit hard to follow, but it works for the movie. Have a little patience and focus, and you will be rewarded. This is a story of betrayal on a few levels, and while I saw the ending coming, I honestly didn't guess how it was going to happen. The #1 thing I would say to someone about this movie is that it will make you uncomfortable, and you won't be sure why. All sarcasm re: execution downfalls aside, and all the obvious gore and psychotic actions aside as well, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what is so squicky about this flick.

I let movies take me wherever they will. This one took me to a place that was darkly and crudely funny, gruesome, good twists and some sick, twisted gore that was perhaps not as gratuitous in terms of blood and gore, but definitely more squicky than average. There are some sick geniuses behind the tortures and killings.

This movie does not fit neatly into the slasher genre, nor is it cerebral enough to be called a thriller. It's Canadian. Remember the Barenaked Ladies? They're not ladies. But they're funny. But not US funny. So this movie is not what the trailer depicted, but it's disturbing. But not US disturbing.


Sound: awesome. The timing of some of the background sounds/conversations make for good comedy and horror besides being a good backdrop.

Music: Oh my god *expletive deleted* awful! There is an important scene in the movie (some would argue more than one) that gets ruined by the score.

Flavor: I agree with the reviewer who said this is like Mean Girls meets Saw. I would also say it reminds me of Set It Off and, oddly, Fight Club. There is both attraction and tension between the protagonists. It's worth watching just for the interaction between the two protagonists. There are some deliciously apropos and relevant torture and kill scenes. The chunked-up story presentation is reminiscent of Pulp Fiction, and it's about as easy to follow as Mulholland Drive, but other than that the movies have nothing in common. Another Tarantino movie, Natural Born Killers, has a distant similarity in the detached, but satisfied way they kill, but again, it's otherwise a far cry. So basically it pulls from a lot of different elements, and that's maybe one of the reasons I like it: it reminds me of some of my favorites.

Plot: There are no good guys. Lets get that out of the way. Another reviewer said they didn't like the movie because they didn't care about the characters because they weren't likable or something. Well, they aren't. In fact, beyond the protagonist/antagonist distinctions, it's hard to tell who the bad guys are. If you are not able to watch a movie that does not allow you to "root" for someone or form at least a slight personal attachment to a character, don't watch this. These girls are all sick in the head in their own way.

They are, however, well played. The sorority girls are not well developed. However, the reasons for their suffering are quite well fleshed out, if not sane.

Just take this movie for what it is: essentially a foreign film that does not fit into US categories. It's weird. It's a slightly different kind of disturbing, and you're not going to be able to put your finger on exactly why. Go to a haunted house this Halloween, then watch this movie, then go to a different haunted house. Chances are, you'll be wondering about what's going on behind the walls in a slightly different and definitely more disturbed way.


I watch at least 2-3 horror movies per week and must say that I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this film despite the fact it had sorority in the synopsis. The word sorority usually means I wont watch it at all but I'm glad I gave this one a chance. Characters were well thought out and well played by the cast. The lead girls were great to watch and had good chemistry. I wouldn't be surprised to see them in bigger roles in the future. I'd also be interested to watch anything that the writer/director puts out. Good stuff if you are looking for some decent horror with an actual plot and well written characters. It's not the best horror film ever made, but for such a small budget it is worth the watch.


There's little that's new in the revenge horror genre... but this movie gets extra points from me for its almost entirely female cast.... and for the way it gets you hooked in the central story as the movie goes along. The women here are flawed, angry, deceitful, petty... and the power dynamic feels different from your typical slasher. It's a neat twist on an otherwise well-trodden genre. I thought the acting from the top 3-billed actresses was fine, and they were memorable, which is more than you get from a lot of horror B movies. I liked the revenge storyline. Some of the revenge violence set-pieces felt fresh. There's plenty of cringe-worthy humor, too. At first I showed up for Katherine Barrell (liking her other work), and for horror (a genre I love). I didn't show up for much plot... But I was pleasantly surprised that by about a third of the way through the movie I was suddenly curious to know what happened that fateful evening in the past that led to this smorgasbord of revenge... and what the revenge seekers ultimately wanted from it. The payoff at the end left me thinking about it. Definitely more than I was expecting.


Invited to a Halloween fun-house, a group of sorority sisters finds that the whole affair was orchestrated by recently-released former associates looking to seeking retribution against them for being placed in jail and must find a way to stop their crazed plans.

This one wasn't that bad of an effort. One of the more enjoyable efforts here is the fact that this one manages to work in its rather intriguing premise to full effect. While not all that original, this one works best with the concept of bringing the girls together one at a time rather than having them all get taken as a group, which gives this a special touch. That allows this one to go through the group one-by-one in a much more unique and creative manner yet still allows for all the great torture and bloodshed to emerge here. The great opening, where the victim is strapped into a corset with mechanical rigging to tighten it beyond human power that keeps tightening until they lose bodily fluids you wouldn't expect, starts this off until things start getting even worse with the tormenting done on the others. Those are rather fun, with the ones tied up to the board and having their nails, fake eyelashes and implants removed for lying to the later one being taped to the table and left there to witness everything happening around them and the scenes of the two left in the room together and forced to beat each other with acid-filled pillows give this one a series of strong, grisly and somewhat brutal sequences that are highly enjoyable as well as giving this one quite the strong overall pace. Given that these utilize the exceptionally strong and chilling locations of the fun-house where they're being tormented, it gives this one a creepy atmosphere to go along with the brutal antics, and even alongside that is the really chilling scenes of them wandering through the hallways looking to collect them and abduct them as they're still under the false pretenses of their arrival. As well, the action in the final half is exceptionally enjoyable where it features the true revelation of their intentions, the strong final girl who fights back against them in some really enjoyable brawls that show off her great self-defense skills where the main threat is actually outmatched and must resort to other tactics to gain the upper hand. These really hold this one up over its few minor flaws. The biggest issue here is the fact that the main girls have absolutely no need to go on the rampage as the whole concept of their revenge is completely misguided and built on lame reasoning. Why they're targeting the group is rather pointless and makes no sense, and there's nothing that makes us sympathize with anyone involved here for their lame reasoning. Likewise, there's also the fact that the girl is so obviously more skilled than they are means that keeping her around makes them look foolish for not ensuring that everything goes to plan and constantly bringing more chances for it to go wrong. These are what hold it down.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity and plenty of alcohol consumption.


Write & Directed by : Gavin Michael Booth So, this sorority prank goes really,really wrong.

Now, It's 2 years later and someone is trying to undue the harm that was caused by the prank.

Haunted Houses are always great locations for Real & Reel situations of SCARE themes & scenarios.

The film starts off like kind of MEAN GIRLS and then goes to 'SAW at The Prom !' The actresses are FANtastic, They absolutely are believable in their roles.

We were scared, Excited by the inventiveness of weapons, Awed by the women playing the what is usually a male type of malevolence.