» » De 5 van de 4 daagse (1974)

De 5 van de 4 daagse (1974) Online

De 5 van de 4 daagse (1974) Online
Original Title :
De 5 van de 4 daagse
Genre :
Movie / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
René van Nie
Cast :
Arnie Breeveld,Jon Bluming,Jan Blaaser
Writer :
Antón Quintana,René van Nie
Budget :
NLG 750,000
Type :
Time :
1h 45min
Rating :
De 5 van de 4 daagse (1974) Online

Four inmates are ordered to enter an annual four day walking tournament. When they get over their initial annoyment, each one of them finds a way to take advantage of their time out of jail.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Arnie Breeveld Arnie Breeveld - Hendrik Kater
Jon Bluming Jon Bluming - Cornelis Hoeding
Jan Blaaser Jan Blaaser - Johannes 'Directeur' Everhart
John Kraaykamp John Kraaykamp - Dirk Nachtegaal
René van Asten René van Asten - Pieter van Veen
Jessica Benton Jessica Benton - Marcia Stroud
Leen Jongewaard Leen Jongewaard - Wandelaar / undercover rechercheur
Josée Ruiter Josée Ruiter - Hippie meisje
Siem Vroom Siem Vroom - Freddy de vervalser
Jerry Brouer Jerry Brouer - Kunsthandelaar Vos (as Jerry Brouwer)
Onno Molenkamp Onno Molenkamp - Wandelaar / undercover rechercheur
Patricia Orlow Patricia Orlow - Journaliste
Jack Horn Jack Horn - Hansje
Wim Poncia Wim Poncia - Assistent gevangins directeur
Paul Meyer Paul Meyer - Pater

Location scouts began searching for suitable spots along the route of the annual Nijmeegse 4-daagse during the 1973 event, so the filmmakers could use them during the 4-daagse of 1974. Having the largest group of extras in a Dutch film up to that time caused continuous problems as people would often come up to the actors to ask for autographs in the middle of a take.

British actress Jessica Benton endured a speed course in Dutch at Zusters Regina Coeli monastery in Vught, but still ended up being dubbed.

Josine van Dalsum was contracted to play a part, but dropped out a few weeks before filming began because she objected when a nude scene was added to the script.

Pleuni Touw, Leontien Ceulemans and Josine van Dalsum were all approached for the female lead, but all of them refused when the role was significantly reduced. English actress Jessica Benton finally took the part, on the condition that she would receive top billing. When first time director René van Nie did not comply, she tried to postpone the release date until contract was honored, but to no avail.

4 of the 5 leads would again play inmates in the prison bound sitcom Laat maar zitten (1988). John Kraaykamp (once more playing a safe cracker), Jon Bluming and Arnie Breeveld had recurring roles, René van Asten only appeared once.