» » Audacity (2015)

Audacity (2015) Online

Audacity (2015) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Eddie Roman
Cast :
Travis Owens,Molly Ritter,Ben Price
Writer :
Ray Comfort,Eddie Roman
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Audacity (2015) Online

From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program "The Way of the Master" and the hit movies "180" and "Evolution vs. God," comes the powerful film "Audacity." Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort (Hell's Best Kept Secret, Scientific Facts in the Bible), this film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality. Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben (Ben Price, Australia's Got Talent finalist) to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn't Peter's only fear. When confronted with one of today's most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana (Molly Ritter) to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes-even at the risk of losing a friendship? And how will he respond when faced with a harrowing life-or-death experience?
Cast overview, first billed only:
Travis Owens Travis Owens - Peter
Molly Ritter Molly Ritter - Diana
Ben Price Ben Price - Ben
Franklin Killian Franklin Killian - Lance
Aaron Mitchel Aaron Mitchel - Robert
Todd Friel Todd Friel - Comedy Club Emcee
Jason Tobias Jason Tobias - Robber
Danielle Rosario Danielle Rosario - Hailey
Justin Ray Caster Justin Ray Caster - Sunglasses guy
Amanda Sadia Amanda Sadia - Hostage (as Amanda Lee Sadia)
Danielle Lozeau Danielle Lozeau - Elevator Girl #1
Haley Elizabeth Haley Elizabeth - Elevator Girl #2
Kurt Sinclair Kurt Sinclair - Mean Elevator Man
Eric Cajiuat Eric Cajiuat - Cashier
Mary Beth Eversole Mary Beth Eversole - Katie

User reviews



Ray has always been somewhat of an odd character in my books... and here he is again, doing something quite profound: trying to spread a tired old ideology. Gays can choose to change their sexual orientation, all's they need is a little bit of good 'ol Jesus. The script was tired, and the characters are one-dimensional. the film/cinematography was not good at all. Ray doesn't mind cutting the 5 minute conversations he has with randos into 1000 pieces, but I guess he(and his director) don't mind waiting ten seconds while their protagonist is patting his backpack on a chair. Just sloppy.

There are some "facts" strewn about this 50-ish minute preaching session, and a lot of them are.. well, blatantly false. 10 minutes on google would have solved a lot of ray's problems here, but I won't spoil them for anyone.

I've always been disappointed with Ray and associate's media, because it's all so simple minded. What they don't realize is that the Christianity they practice has only been around 100 years. There is much more to Christianity than what is shown here, and it's a shame they don't portray a more sophisticated version of it. We already know the "convert or burn, but I love you" story. give us something grounded in reality. DO NOT buy this movie, it is NOT worth $20. I must also say, that is a lot of money to ask for when you're selling a not- for- profit, crowdfunded short film. almost unheard of for a person to pay that much for a movie online... It's not hard to know who(or what) Ray serves.

One line that sums this movie up is when the protagonist asks a colleague what they think of gay marriage. They say it's all well and good, what do you think? and the protagonist says "I think it's a bit more complicated than that". or, translated from "loving Christian" to reality, "Some people don't deserve rights".


Before Ray Comfort tweeted his fundamentalist base to flood this IMDb page with positive reviews, "Audacity" was getting consistent 1-star ratings.

As someone without an agenda, I'm going to have to double down on the 1-star rating. The writing and plot is god-awful, with an obnoxiously shrill ideological ax being ground all throughout. The film is cluttered with self-righteous preaching, and the characters are one-dimensional caricatures designed to reinforce one chauvinistic idea: Christian are good, and gays go to hell. Nuance does not exist in Mr. Comfort's black-and-white world. Christians will always be good and noble by virtue of their faith alone; and gays will only ever exist as Angry Gay Caricatures awaiting salvation from their Christian benefactors, without any deeper character traits beyond their Anger and their Gayness.

To add insult to this injuriously terrible film, Ray Comfort couldn't help but use it as a vehicle to gratify his own ego: a large chunk of Audacity's run-time consists of poorly-edited street footage of Comfort "witnessing" to hapless passers-by - which the main character cites as Christian wisdom to show the Angry Gay Caricatures the error of their ways.

There is no doubt that Audacity was made for the ideological gratification of a very specific, fundamentalist base - a base that will sing its praises regardless of actual cinematic merit. But for those who are not already part of that chest-thumping choir, this film will fill you with equal parts sickness and sadness, before being forgotten as insignificant tripe after a good night's sleep.


Most of the top star reviews are from Comfort's Facebook page, rallying supporters to tout the movie as the next best thing since gasoline. Do not be fooled, and find something better and less nausea inducing. Of course, if you happen to share the bigoted views of this trash production, you'll suck down this bucket of chum like it's bacon sundae night at Dairy Queen. Honestly, I had more fun watching Plan 9 from Outer Space, or even Psychos in Love. Those were terrible. I think I will use my copy to cause that awkward moment that makes unwelcome guests finally leave. Maybe Banana Man will have better luck with his next dumpster-dive into the film industry. Probably not.


1. People who are not gay think about homosexuals a lot. And I mean: A LOT.

2. The choice of adultery is the same as someone choosing to be straight.

3. Some interviewers like to deep throat their subjects with the mic, which could be attempted murder, sexual assault or lust on the sin-counter.

4. A hostage that literally puts another hostage's life in danger is called a hero.

5. Maybe it is easier to say you're "not judging others" when you put words in those people's mouths and then convince them that they're only judging themselves. Brilliant!

6. Thank goodness, all interviewees agreed with the interviewer…and not one opposing view. Those couldn't possibly have been cut...

7. …and I thought only liberals made propaganda films.

8. Portraying homosexuals as everyday people in Christian-biased movies is the equivalent to Republicans showcasing their token Black conservatives.

9. This must be the deadliest city in Amurica: everyone's either on their deathbeds with cancer, held up, assaulted by trains or murdered by elevators.

10. I'm pretty sure God hates comedians who only do impressions waaay more than the gays.


"Audacity" is the latest project from Ray Comfort (aka "the banana man"). This time Comfort and his friends have raised their ambitions (after movies like "180", "Evolution vs God" and "Noah") and actually made a movie (although less than feature length) with a story and real actors (actors we've never heard about before and whose careers are probably dead after this film).

But, as usual in a Ray Comfort movie, the big hero is Ray Comfort playing himself. We get lots of footage of his trademark street interviews. This time the topic is homosexuality, and Comfort uses his brilliant intellect to convince his interviewees (all intelligent interviewees are, as always, left on the cutting room floor) that homosexuality is evil. Because the Bible says so. Meanwhile, we have the story of Peter and Diana. Peter is a Christian who knows homosexuality is evil. Diana doesn't agree but after seeing Ray Comfort's brilliant Youtube videos she will inevitably change her mind. The tag line of the film is "Love can't stay silent", and our protagonist, Peter, shows his Christian love by never missing a chance to preach to the gays or break up their relationships. Becauase as always in the Orwellian world of Ray Comfort's god, love is hate, hate is love. This film exists only to tell homosexuals they must change, to remind others they must never accept homosexuals for who they are but, in the name of "love", always remind them of how wretched and sinful they are, and (last but not least) to provide Ray Comfort with another ego boost. And I'm a sucker who was so curious about this movie I actually paid to see it before it's going to be released for free on Youtube.


It's actually shocking how terrible this "movie" is. It's almost funny but then you realize it's serious and he really does think being gay is a choice and all you gays should just stop gaying around already. Complete disregard for science, self-righteous proselytizing by Ray Comfort, and pure ignorant hatefulness that put a knot in my stomach more than once. I could talk about the terrible writing, the weird (possibly overdubbed?) interviews, and the kindergarten plot, but I really just can't get past how distasteful, factually inaccurate, and insulting the anti-gay rhetoric is.

TL;DR - Do you hate gays? You'll love this movie! Do you hate bigotry? You might want to skip this movie.


It's so sad any actor would accept making a film like this. Well, it was made by the banana guy. What can you expect from a guy who has been ridiculed several times for his nonsense. Watch it in Youtube it's hilarious. Acting bad. Not as bad as other crappy film because the actors are 'profesional' shame they just sell their image in this film, it's gonna be hard to bury this. They'll need to publicly say they were insane of supporting this and they are very sorry (they just like money too much! hahaha) Extremely biased interviews in the street. Highly edited. He ovsiously didn't put the ones contradicting. Bullshit!!!!!! Don't pay for it, wait until is free online if you dare yo watch this nonsense. Don't give them money. I watch it because a Christian paid for it to show me how I could stop acting on my gayness and go to heaven


I'd like to say this is typical Ray Dumfart tripe but it's worse than that even. I don't know where Banana Man found worse actors than Kirk Cameron but I guess God works in mysterious ways, huh. The "plot" is nothing but an excuse to proselytize his religious bigotry towards homosexuals, with some self-grandiosing & publicity for his YouTube videos thrown in. The one positive thing I can say for this pathetic excuse for a "movie" is that it's only 1 hour long & not 90 mins (although if you can actually make it to the end in one go without throwing random objects at your screen you're doing better than me. If you're familiar at all with Ray then you know exactly what to expect, & if you're not, do yourself a favour & keep it that way by avoiding this piece of excrement.


After the absurdity that was Genius, the abomination that was 180, the dishonesty that was Evolution Versus God, Ray Comfort has done it again, and brought us the 'Audacity' that is his 'award-winning movie on homosexuality'. Audacity is actually a good name for it, because after watching it, I felt that it was an audacious attempt to pass off a cringe-worthy script, an utterly facile plot (with a pointless twist), completely one-dimensional characters, seemingly endless footage of Ray Comfort 'witnessing' to gay people in atypically dulcet tones (suggesting his contribution was dubbed in afterward), a wad of patronising self- righteousness, frequent nuggets of not-so-subtle stereotyping, and a couple of baddies, as a 'movie'. The Too Expensive, Didn't Buy version of the plot is this: According to Ray Comfort, homosexuality is a choice, homosexuals are going to burn in hell if they don't believe what he believes, and you're a bad person if you don't go around telling EVERYONE that Ray is right, and reality is wrong.


When will stuff of this nature end? It's a pretty proved fact that homosexuals did not choose their desires. I'm waiting for the next film that comes out showing how the Earth is the center of the universe. Or that gravity is really just God's heavy hand keeping us from kindly floating off into space. I don't believe the movie makers made a real attempt to communicate with homosexuals they actually know to find out their conditions for gender preference. Love and despising really do not go hand in hand in an effective manner. It's not worked before and in the 21st century it's more likely to be either outright ignored or cause damage withing a family.
Global Progression

Global Progression

Audacity is just a religious attack on the LGBT community. A man randomly puts down a sweet gay couple, and really insults them. I love how everything is masked in that whole ohhhh it's not me, it's the bible. I'm so sick of people hiding behind religion and the bible to randomly insult and put down people. If you don't like gays, say it, don't hide and be some coward. Also, the acting is AWFUL. Oh my god they were not even trying! Such awful stale acting and cheesy cliché material. And yes you guessed it! Ray Comfort is as annoying as freaking ever. This movie actually infuriated me. It's cliché, dumb, stale, hurtful to LGBT individuals, and just annoying. Also, the Christians in this film are very high and mighty and act like they are superior to everyone, it's disgusting and hurtful to see. All this movie does is make you feel sorry for the LGBT people being impacted. Watch Prayers For Bobby instead. Now that IS a good film!! :)


I'm not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler but if you've ever seen a Ray Comfort evangelical tract or a clip of Ray Comfort's ham-fisted approach to preaching, nothing here will be new.

There is no question in my mind Comfort has deliberately presented an unbalanced set of responses in the interview/preachy section. We know this is probably the case because some of his interviewees in EvolutionVsGod explained that Comfort cut important parts of their answers out of his final edit in order to manipulate the material to his preferred end. Comfort is a devious and dangerous buffoon.

$300,000 worth of donations to create a bit of confirmation bias for the religious, anti-gay fringe element was no doubt a good bit of business, but Ray Comfort will always be remembered as the man who tried desperately to pump the brakes and then slam society into reverse.

Meanwhile, common sense continues to prevail and love has won.


This "movie" is just about the worst piece of garbage I have ever seen. This is a last-ditch attempt by Christian fundamentalists to re-assert their message of hatred and intolerance toward homosexuality. Sadly, it might work on you if you have abandoned all intellect, all compassion and empathy, and have never actually opened a bible.

The terms of agreement on IMDb state "no spoilers", which is OK because this movie and its target audience cannot possibly be more spoiled than it already is.

The recent up-tick in positive comments is the result of Ray Comfort pleading with his "flock" to give it good reviews on his fb page, so don't be fooled! This is rubbish!


It's kind of an interesting look into how little these particular Christian heterosupremacists think of people (you're pretty much a poor idiot who needs to be told how to think). Beyond that, it's really not worth watching.

Everything in it is a caricature of something or someone you've already seen before. A religious man portrays gay people and their allies as argumentative people who want to ignore everyone and sin, sin, SIN! Of course, the religious people are meek, polite, and just trying to help. None of them would ever step on your toes, let alone reflect realities like insulting or physically harming gay people, usurping the legal rights of gay people, and of course they would never use torture to change gay people. Not being gay is the only acceptable way to be, but those darn gays, they really like to be mean and persecute Christians who are just trying to help! Gay people just need a good Christian to butt-in and change them into heterosexuals!

Of course, in this make-believe propaganda, everyone gets on board with Christianity, because it's such a compelling message: Just don't be gay! Easy!


Forget about the political motivation of hate towards the gay community. I am not an activist trying to demolish this movies reputation. I think anyone who thinks that is actually happening is delusional and unwilling to admit who dreadfully amateurish this film is. It is just plain bad. Terribly directed. Awful actors. The dialog is contrived. The clothing is hokey. The plot is loose and unrealistic. I wouldn't force my worst enemy to watch this movie. My baby brother could make a better movie with GI Joes and an iPhone. I think I made a better movie when I accidentally filmed the inside of my pocket. I understand that not everyone agrees with the LGBT community but anyone making a movie so badly just for the sake of spreading hate shouldn't be offended by the reviews that rate it for what it is... One of the worst pieces of videology to ever grace a screen of any kind.


He tweeted "Atheists hijacked IMDb and gave "Audacity" bad reviews. Feel free to leave yours" in an effort to get a higher rating by people who didn't even see the movie. I'm tired of this fake, money grubbing, evil jerk pandering to his crowd by demonizing atheists. He needs to crawl back into the Bronze Age hole he came out of. This movie is also a joke. What is not a joke is homophobia and the persecution of people this movie intends to incite. This movie is propaganda at its worst. No self-respecting human being would watch this garbage. It is simply a piece of trash designed to take the money from people who believe it already. Any movie theater that shows this should be shamed and anyone who sees it should be ashamed of themselves. I would give this a zero out of ten if I could.
Rocky Basilisk

Rocky Basilisk

This film is nothing more than story based preaching of Christian intolerance toward our fellow man. Science has proved that the basic premise in this film is false - people cannot choose their sexual preference. Homosexuality occurs naturally throughout nearly all wildlife species. Some research hints that it's a system that nature uses to control overpopulation. Either way, gay people are our co-workers, patents, son's and daughters. They're here to stay, and the best and most "christian" thing to do is love and accept them. You'd think christians would focus on the love and tolerance message of Jesus rather than the poison of the Old Testament. I wish these people would just mind their own business and let people live their lives in peace.


Why does he do it? For the money obviously. Ray Comfort is strangely obsessed with homosexuality for a supposedly straight man and he continues to indulge his interest with this astonishingly poor production. Of course, Christians who are already homophobic may have their hatred reinforced but nobody else will have their views changed by this dreadful, tired, cliché laden mess because the rest of us will carry on accepting people for who they are. Judgemental, bigoted, patronising and with no obvious production values, this hate fest only serves to massage the ego of the eternally sanctimonious and dishonest Mr Comfort. He seems to genuinely believe that he comes across as the sage and sanctified dispenser of Christian morals. The truth is, he is the same old hate filled bigot, trying to make a buck from his similarly homophobic flock. Some people will love this film. They are the problem with society, not two people who are in love. On the plus side, the acting is so poor that the cast members who all should really have considered another career will probably have to do so having appeared in this movie.Avoid this disgusting film like the plague.


In the embarrassing historical tradition of Birth of a Nation, The Triumph of Will, The Mask of Fu Manchu, and all the stuff with people in black-face; brainless zealot Ray Comfort offers up a strange look at a fantastic world where people actually enjoy watching Ray Comfort on YouTube (yes, Ray Comfort YouTube videos make up a large portion of the film) and every lesbian just needs a little Jesus, and then she'll like man genitals just like god intended.

The vitriolic hate speech in this movie is jaw-dropping. Comfort passively compares homosexuality to theft and murder without even the barest hint that he should be apologizing for existing as he says that. Repeated references to "the punishment you deserve" should make any right thinking person swallow back a little vomit.

This is the worst thing I've ever seen, and I'm including roadkill when I say that.


One of the worst apologetics movies I have ever seen.

Unbelievable scenarios, poor acting, and a mish-mash of highly edited interviews by Ray Comfort.

Bad analogies used to warn of hell.

Unbelievable portrayal of gay characters. I suspect there were no gay actors involved in this movie.

I also suspect no gay people were actually asked for advice in the making of this movie.

The basic message of the movie is that gay people need to stop being gay. Christians won't accept gay people till they stop the gayness and the warnings of hell and eternal torture are all part of God's loving plan for humanity.


Taking a break from his attempts to discredit evolution, Christian evangelist Ray Comfort turns his attention to homosexuality in America, and tries to counter the strides that the gay community has made in the last few years with this cinematic misadventure here. To be sure, AUDACITY is outright religious agitprop, but aside from that, it's also a poor movie, bogged down by the same things its producers probably hoped would elevate it: a hopelessly idealistic story, cloying performances, and product placement so outrageous that it will make you forget about MAC AND ME.

The plot: An aspiring comedian and Christian convert (Travis Owens) attempts to alter the impressions of people he meets about homosexuality and his religion.

I set out to review this movie without actually mentioning Ray Comfort, but it's impossible to do so since he's all over the picture. A full quarter of the 55-minute runtime is comprised of Comfort's signature street interviews, wherein he proselytizes to people who can't spot logical fallacies. His gospel tracts and booklets are generously highlighted throughout, as well. Comfort's not shilling for corporations, but he is peddling himself and his Living Waters ministry pretty hard, right up to the commercial for promotional material that plays over the credits. These wearying detours at least have the effect of making the dramatized portions of the film more palatable, but that's not saying much.

The plot is a confused, meandering thing whose best attempt at an actual story is the drawn-out conversion of a character played by Molly Ritter. Most of the movie is Travis Owens' character walking into situations wherein he demonstrates how brave and selfless he (as a Christian) is, and it does not say much for a movie less than an hour long that almost every scene within it plays like padding. The best performer of the bunch is Ben Price, largely because his character remains detached from most major events and just performs impersonations at a comedy club. Everyone else acts with the kind of hamminess that's been a longtime staple of Christian cinema - portraying the caricatures of the starry-eyed convert, the meek postulant, and the angry non-Christian with modest energy. Things might have turned out better if the actors had slightly more graceful dialogue to work with than "She thought he was trying to hurt her; what she didn't realize was that he was trying to save her."

While the sum of the film's technical aspects amounts to little more than B-movie fluff, its message is what ultimately earns this low rating. The film seems confident that it has found a thoughtful, non-extremist way of addressing homosexuality from a fundamentalist standpoint, but no amount of puppy-dog eyes from the lead star or high-score use of the word "love" can move me to endorse a message that boils down to "unless you practice what I believe about your nature, something bad will happen to you after you die." I'm already feeling bad for the LGBTQ individuals – children and adults alike – who for one reason or another will need to suffer through a screening of this. My appreciation of indie cinema has finally found an exception, and I encourage all to avoid this.


Save your money and sanity. STAY AWAY. I wish I could give this ZERO STARS. This is nothing more than propaganda and ego polishing disguised as a motion picture. The actors have said that they did not really feel this way. If they have to take this job then maybe they should find something other than acting as a career. I was taken by a friend and that friendship is now in dire straits. I did not expect to be blindsided with this useless piece of garbage. This movie is a poisonous piece of propaganda. If they are so intent on the Old Testament why aren't they also saying something about eating kosher or not working on the sabbath as well?


I watched this propaganda with a small group of friends. Among us were 2 Christians, 1 Muslim, 3 atheists and a Jew. We are friends from school and except for one of us, we don't wear our religion on our sleeve. We were familiar with Ray's banana work, and were looking forward to this film as well. One person said they had heard the film was going to make a new argument that was solid and fruitful in the movie. We were interested in this for sure. Ray and company usually get you to admit you are human (lie, lust, steal etc..) and then read from a book about how you need to get right. Audacity is more of the same. "Ok, so maybe...just maybe, you could have been born that way. You still need to turn stop being so gay." It's a little embarrassing when this type of talk comes up in conversation these days. Such a silly group of people. Luckily this is just another nail in the coffin of creationists. Notice Kirk didn't even come out in support of this piece of work. But Ark-building Ham is still with Mr. Comfort. Enjoy the ride.


I was watching this movie with my Bible study group, and was riveted by the extensive scenes of people watching YouTube videos, when something funny happened. When one woman on screen mentioned that people can choose to be gay, I thought, that can't be right. So I decided to prove her wrong right on the spot, and I chose to be gay.

Boy was I wrong! Not only can you choose to be gay, but once you do, it's almost impossible to choose to be straight again. My wife and kids are very upset. But at the same time, now I know how to match my shoes with my belt, so it's not all bad.

I feel like this movie should come with a warning for straight people who might end up accidentally choosing to be gay.


If you enjoy the comedy stylings and gross generalizations of Mein Kampf, black face, and Birth of a Nation, then you simply MUST make space in your library for this new Banana Man production, Audacity! This shameless vehicle to promote Ray Comfort's Youtube videos that apparently just weren't getting the sort of views he'd hoped for is fun for the whole family! That is, if by fun you mean spending an hour of your life watching in disbelief and wondering what horrible things future generations are going to be thinking about the people of today. Audacity is the story of a white heterosexual Christian man grappling with the sort of persecution that men in his position must face every day in America. Every time he tries to lovingly tell someone that they're going to burn in a lake of fire for the rest of forever and ever and ever, the fictitious and unrealistically characterized homosexual characters he is trying to save get a little bit upset at him! This movie is truly deserving of it's title. Interspersed within the main "plot", of course, are the chopped and edited street preacher videos of Ray Comfort himself, speaking to a number of homosexuals and making the perfect argument as to why the god in which they all so conveniently happen to believe in loves them, and is willing to condemn them to eternal damnation to prove that love if they refuse to stop loving in the sort of loving way that they love other beloved creations of his whom he also loves..... …...uh.....BUT! If you're thinking that this all sounds a little too heavy to withstand for one single hour of your life, do not fret! Are you hoping for a bit of a mood lifter? Are you also thinking how much you miss those movies where a caveman gets frozen in a block of ice and then gets unfrozen in the future and can't quite make heads or tails of anything? Well then you're in luck, because the side character Ben (Ben Price), as far as I can tell was a caveman comedian who got frozen in the 1980s when doing impressions was still an acceptable form of comedy and then unfrozen in modern times and thrown into this movie to bring you the occasional taste of side splitting distraction from the icky images of gay intercourse starting to permeate your thoughts. Now I will admit, this movie is not without it's flaws. For one, I would have liked to see Ray try changing the mind of one of the gays that weren't already bible believers, since that's what his entire argument hinges on. Also, I'm still trying to figure out if the funniest part of the movie, when Diana (Molly Ritter) says the line, "So, I was just reading the bible, and it really got me to thinking..." is intended as a joke or.........oh what am I doing, this movie makes me feel so superior, and yet so persecuted at the same time, which perfectly perpetuates my flawed world view, and I promise it can do the same for you as long as you fall into the right demographic!