» » Buongiorno (2006)

Buongiorno (2006) Online

Buongiorno (2006) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Melo Prino
Writer :
Melo Prino
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Buongiorno (2006) Online

Credited cast:
Domenico Lannutti Domenico Lannutti

User reviews



It is pretty difficult to write about a short movie in 10 lines ... I mean what can you write about a five minute short, while also trying not to spoiler anything?

But I'll try, so here goes: This Italian comedic short film is so simple and yet so amazing. The idea isn't revolting (though you can understand, that I can't talk about it here), but it's plain and even if you know where this is going, you can just enjoy it. The trick here being, that the movies idea is based on a simple premise and something many people might have been wondering while looking into the mirror ... but that's all I'm going to say. If you get an opportunity, watch this!


A man. a bathroom mirror. and the fears of the viewers. a nice mix of horror, dark comedy , absurd theater and the taste of many mornings. its simplicity represents a real virtue. but, in same measure, its use. because nothing complicated. only, maybe, a bit of magic , old, misterious and ambiguous of a man, in morning, front with a mirror. but it is enough for a film who is more than nice. just...it is.