» » Rock Paper Knife

Rock Paper Knife Online

Rock Paper Knife  Online
Original Title :
Rock Paper Knife
Genre :
TV Series / Animation / Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Cast :
Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco,Maxwell Kier DiMarco,Jennifer Angelucci-Medina
Type :
TV Series
Time :
Rating :
Rock Paper Knife Online

ROCK PAPER KNIFE is a web series of twelve ultra short action/thriller episodes. Wish stones, paper craft and a sharp knife. It was just a game... until it wasn't. Brother and Sister don't get along. But when Sister finally pushes Brother too far, it triggers an other-worldly chain of events that neither sibling expected. Shot live-action then processed through a series of elaborate filters, this living comic allows viewers to watch and then vote for what happens next!
Series cast summary:
Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco Faith Aoibhinn DiMarco - Sister 12 episodes, 2014-2017
Maxwell Kier DiMarco Maxwell Kier DiMarco - Brother 12 episodes, 2014-2017