» » I Want to Watch (1982)

I Want to Watch (1982) Online

I Want to Watch (1982) Online
Original Title :
I Want to Watch
Genre :
Movie / Adult
Year :
Cast :
Danielle,Billy Dee,Kathy Kay
Type :
Time :
Rating :
I Want to Watch (1982) Online

Credited cast:
Danielle Danielle
Billy Dee Billy Dee
Kathy Kay Kathy Kay
Laura Lazare Laura Lazare
Becky Savage Becky Savage
Ken Scudder Ken Scudder
Linda Shaw Linda Shaw
Victoria Slick Victoria Slick

User reviews



Its hard to put into words how good this Movie was. I want to Watch was a title from the Erotic Dimension series the movie was full of raw sex in the most amazing rooms as sets for the film with what seemed like expensive 80's decor, every scene was played out like an explosion of lust with the best sex and dialog, which made the movie even more enjoyable. My personal favorite scenes from the movie were Kathy Kay's and Becky Savages scene.Victoria slick was amazing as usual the rest of the cast did an excellent job with Billy Dee probably being the best male performer in the film. This movie deserves a release in DVD or BluRay a true Gem of a movie, completely timeless Lipstik studio captured something in the Erotic Dimensions release I Want to watch 1982 that should live forever, definitely the apex of porn for me.