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Idiomatic is a modern-day romantic comedy series. It follows the life and times of an urban, bilingual, environmentally conscious left-wing couple in their thirties: Aino, who's originally from Finnish Lapland, and Swedish-speaking Micke. They are forced to move to an upper-class neighborhood, into an apartment owned by Micke's wealthy parents, who also live next door. In addition to Micke's parents, his childhood friend lives in the same building. When Aino's yokel brother moves into their guest room, people from all walks of life meet under the same roof: thirty-somethings and their parents, different family cultures, country people and urban people, north and south, Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking people, middle class people and blue-collar workers, right-wingers and left-wingers, childhood friends who have lost touch, and first and foremost, a couple who are still getting to know each other. Aino and Micke have a good relationship - but in every episode it'll be very much ...
Series cast summary: | |||
Anna Paavilainen | - | Aino 10 episodes, 2018 | |
Elmer Bäck | - | Micke 10 episodes, 2018 | |
Mikko Penttilä | - | Jussi 10 episodes, 2018 | |
Mats Långbacka | - | Lasse 10 episodes, 2018 | |
Ylva Ekblad | - | Gunilla 9 episodes, 2018 | |
Kari Ketonen | - | Petski 6 episodes, 2018 | |