» » Beyond Reason: A Friend on Death Row (2000)

Beyond Reason: A Friend on Death Row (2000) Online

Beyond Reason: A Friend on Death Row (2000) Online
Original Title :
Beyond Reason: A Friend on Death Row
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Marijke Jongbloed
Writer :
Bryan Jennings,Marijke Jongbloed
Type :
Time :
1h 38min
Rating :
Beyond Reason: A Friend on Death Row (2000) Online

User reviews



On the day before the "International Day Of Human Rights", i went to our local movie house to see this pic. I'm very interested in the subject (death sentences) and wanted to know more about it. Also i wanted to learn more about the convicted man waiting at death row in his Louisiana prison cell.

My expectations came out. However, there are some sidesteps from the main characters that are hard to follow, i.e. the woman who lost her father and is now, or still, anti capital punishment. This side story misses some essential knowledge, to provide the viewer with the ability to understand her and her motivations. Also, i personally would have liked to see some comment on the issue from the government.

However, the best part of this documentery, where the director gets on the phone with the mother of the victim (a six year old girl who was raped and murdered) gave me the thrills. Excellent.

It's not "Dead man walking" by a long shot, but it certainly gave me, as an interested viewer, a good understanding of the emotions of both the convicted killer, his family, relatives of the victim and total strangers.