» » Tell-Tale Art (2006)

Tell-Tale Art (2006) Online

Tell-Tale Art (2006) Online
Original Title :
Tell-Tale Art
Genre :
Movie / Short / Horror
Year :
Directror :
Jeremy Dylan Lanni
Cast :
Tawny Fere,Thomas F. Walsh,Ed Moran
Writer :
Jeremy Dylan Lanni
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Tell-Tale Art (2006) Online

A successful artist named Lenore brutally murders her husband, dismembers his body with a hacksaw, and conceals the pieces within a grotesque sculpture masquerading as modern art. Why? Perhaps Lenore was right in claiming it was Allan's cataract eye that drove her to do it. The milky orb was certainly repulsive to behold. But did it really pass judgment on Lenore's every move? Did it really scour her soul with a supernaturally critical glare? That's for you to decide. What's certain is that one night Lenore picked up a hammer, stole upon her sleeping husband, and bludgeoned him to death. She then sawed the body into neat sections, worked them into a plaster sculpture, and waited for the police to arrive. And when one Officer Morley questioned Lenore, something made her lose her composure. What exactly shattered her resolve? That, like Lenore's motive, is a mystery. Perhaps Lenore's conscience made a spectacular - if somewhat belated - appearance. Or perhaps Allan's ghost returned from...
Cast overview:
Tawny Fere Tawny Fere - Lenore
Thomas F. Walsh Thomas F. Walsh - Allan
Ed Moran Ed Moran - Officer Morley

User reviews



I cannot even find a trailer for this movie. Does it exist? From the description, it seems to be some kind of d rated tail about a tortured soul driven to commit a crime and then pays for it in the end. Seems reasonable enough, except there are only three actors, so basically this whole movie takes place in a slowly drawn out sweat box no one wants to be in. No wonder the movie cannot be found on google. It was so wrong it should never have escaped the tortured mind that thought it up in the first place, but apparently every voice must be heard, even the ones who spew vile garbage into the collective. The only reason I didn't stop at "Does it exist?" Is because in order for this to be a valid comment it needed ten lines. This is a ridiculous rule created by mad demons seeking to steal your money. Demons are obsessed with money. What the freak, it still says "Your review is not yet ready for submission." Does it need my bloody signature? Barstars. <---That's not what I wrote. I wrote a curse word but barstars will have to do. I just realised "not yet ready" probably means I have to preview then submit. I'd delete this but process is important too, if only to drive you the reader as insane as the woman in this movie. See how I brought it back around?