» » Transmission (2009)

Transmission (2009) Online

Transmission (2009) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Roland Vranik
Cast :
Sándor Terhes,Zoltán Rátóti,Károly Hajduk
Writer :
András Barta,Roland Vranik
Type :
Time :
1h 30min
Rating :
Transmission (2009) Online

Computers, TVs, cel tels and other telecom devices no longer work and the people are suffering severe withdrawal pains. Three brothers try to overcome their own major personal problems as the society slowly begins to find alternative ways of living.
Credited cast:
Sándor Terhes Sándor Terhes - Henrik
Zoltán Rátóti Zoltán Rátóti - Vilmos
Károly Hajduk Károly Hajduk - Ottó
Kata Wéber Kata Wéber - Júlia
Éva Kerekes Éva Kerekes - Nóra
Hanna Becker Hanna Becker - Tinike
Boróka Kóródi Boróka Kóródi - Nórika
Ferenc Lengyel Ferenc Lengyel - Walter
Szabolcs Thuróczy Szabolcs Thuróczy - Teo
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Éva Bandor Éva Bandor - Rendõrnõ
Santi Bern Atom Santi Bern Atom - Fiú a boltból
János Horváth János Horváth - Fiú a boltból
Emil Keres Emil Keres - Idõs férj
Éva Kovács Éva Kovács - Gyógyszerésznõ
Ernõ Köves Ernõ Köves - Idõs bácsi

User reviews



I saw this movie in a small-time theater here in Washington this weekend. Going into it, I expected something like that climax of The Day the Earth Stood Still. Instead what I got was America Turns Africa: The Documentary.

It's like the directors thought the TV was invented 2,000 years ago and that every single one of us spends about 6 hours per day on watching television. Protip: people massively fared without moving images barely 50 years ago. This film is about 90 minutes of people sulking because they can't get their daily dose of electronics.

So much more could have been done with this. Really disappointing.