» » Cowboy, Clone, Dust (2011)

Cowboy, Clone, Dust (2011) Online

Cowboy, Clone, Dust (2011) Online
Original Title :
Cowboy, Clone, Dust
Genre :
Movie / Animation / Short / Comedy / Drama / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Matthew Christensen
Cast :
Ben Christensen,Kevin Clark-Ryan,Harry Teitelman
Writer :
Matthew Christensen
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Cowboy, Clone, Dust is a surreal film about an introspective guy that is accidentally captured by a cowboy, confronts a clone, and speaks to dust.

Cowboy, Clone, Dust (2011) Online

Cowboy, Clone, Dust is a surreal film about an introspective guy that is accidentally captured by a cowboy, confronts a clone, and speaks to dust.
Credited cast:
Ben Christensen Ben Christensen - Cowboy
Kevin Clark-Ryan Kevin Clark-Ryan - Joe
Harry Teitelman Harry Teitelman - Dust