» » Sons and Daughters Episode #1.257 (1982–1987)

Sons and Daughters Episode #1.257 (1982–1987) Online

Sons and Daughters Episode #1.257 (1982–1987) Online
Original Title :
Episode #1.257
Genre :
TV Episode / Drama / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Graeme Hodgson
Cast :
Rowena Wallace,Brian Blain,Alexandra Fowler
Writer :
John Alsop
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Sons and Daughters Episode #1.257 (1982–1987) Online

Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Rowena Wallace Rowena Wallace - Patricia Hamilton
Brian Blain Brian Blain - Gordon Hamilton
Alexandra Fowler Alexandra Fowler - Angela Keegan
Ian Rawlings Ian Rawlings - Wayne Hamilton
Pat McDonald Pat McDonald - Fiona Thompson
Kim Lewis Kim Lewis - Jill O'Donnell
Anne Haddy Anne Haddy - Rosie Andrews
Noel Hodda Noel Hodda - Rob Keegan
Mark Ferguson Mark Ferguson - Paul Sheppard
Leila Hayes Leila Hayes - Beryl Palmer
Tom Richards Tom Richards - David Palmer (as Thomas Richards)
Peter Phelps Peter Phelps - John Palmer
Stephen Comey Stephen Comey - Kevin Palmer
Ilona Rodgers Ilona Rodgers - Margaret Dunne
Syd Conabere Syd Conabere - Doug Palmer