» » Late Night Line-Up Russell at Work (1964–1972)

Late Night Line-Up Russell at Work (1964–1972) Online

Late Night Line-Up Russell at Work (1964–1972) Online
Original Title :
Russell at Work
Genre :
TV Episode / Talk Show
Year :
Directror :
Ian Keill
Cast :
Ken Russell,Victoria Russell
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Late Night Line-Up Russell at Work (1964–1972) Online

Documentary shows Ken Russell at work on various BBC TV documentaries, with clips from Diary of a Nobody, The Debussy Film, Always on Sunday, Don't Shoot the Composer, Elgar and behind the scenes directing of Isadora Duncan. He discusses his working methods and filmmaking philosophy and is also shown at home entertaining his daughter Victoria.
Episode credited cast:
Ken Russell Ken Russell
Victoria Russell Victoria Russell