» » The Drivetime (1995)

The Drivetime (1995) Online

The Drivetime (1995) Online
Original Title :
The Drivetime
Genre :
Movie / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Antero Alli
Cast :
Michael Taylor Donovan,Antero Alli,Gregory Baisden
Writer :
Antero Alli,Rob Brezsny
Type :
Time :
1h 28min
Rating :
The Drivetime (1995) Online

" THE DRIVETIME follows a bemused time-traveling librarian named Flux from the serenity of 2023 to the chaos of Seattle in 1999, where he uncovers video footage from a riot that triggered the city's collapse. Society's obsession with communications technology has created the near-extinction of conversation. People communicate via e-mail and videofax; the film's few face-to-face encounters have a sourish, sitcom-type sting. On top of this jolting social examination, THE DRIVETIME presents police procedure as entertainment (a la programs like COPS) and disturbing abuses of police. THE DRIVETIME forces viewers to think about where our world is heading. This work should be seen by anyone who mistakenly believes that all's calm and well in our little digital sphere." -- Phil Hall - WIRED MAGAZINE
Credited cast:
Michael Taylor Donovan Michael Taylor Donovan - Seamus
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Antero Alli Antero Alli
Gregory Baisden Gregory Baisden - Pagan
Guy Bird Guy Bird - Pagan
Thea Blue Thea Blue - Pagan
Sonya Boothroyd Sonya Boothroyd - Pagan
Jessica Breznau Jessica Breznau - Pagan
Michael Douglas Michael Douglas - Flux
Michael George Michael George - Vid
Joel Gilman Joel Gilman - James
Jonnie Gilman Jonnie Gilman - Pagan
Camille Hildebrant Camille Hildebrant - Katya (the tracer)
Leslie Hogard Leslie Hogard - Pagan
Kevin Huber Kevin Huber - Pagan
Jim Jackson Jim Jackson - Hermes

User reviews



Antero Alli's brilliant, eccentric sci-fi commentary on a society whose obsession with telecommunications is mirrored by its increasing failure to relate on a person-to-person basis. Shot on a micro-budget, the film literally soars with an extraordinary screenplay rich in wit and irony, spiced with a remarkable music score that flavors the visual and intellectual genius depicted on-screen. Clearly one of the best underground films of the 1990s.