» » Lover Man (1986)

Lover Man (1986) Online

Lover Man (1986) Online
Original Title :
Lover Man
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama
Year :
Directror :
P. David Ebersole
Cast :
Jane Ray,Sharon Welsh,E.D. Phillips
Writer :
P. David Ebersole
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Lover Man (1986) Online

LOVER MAN tells the story of a bargirl in a brothel who believes her roommate Linda has stumbled upon true love with a customer who frequents the bar but never sleeps with any of the girls. On her 30th birthday, the customer owns a car so he drives Linda away from her hard life in New York for a break, and ultimately puts her a train back to her home town. Their relationship remains platonic, but the bartender believes he is her "Lover Man."
Credited cast:
Jane Ray Jane Ray - The Bartender
Sharon Welsh Sharon Welsh - Linda
E.D. Phillips E.D. Phillips - Lover Man
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Helen Hanft Helen Hanft - The Madame

Won four awards at the NYU Student Film Awards: Best Undergraduate Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography and Best Actress (Sharon Welsh).