» » Countdown 2 Zero (2010)

Countdown 2 Zero (2010) Online

Countdown 2 Zero (2010) Online
Original Title :
Countdown 2 Zero
Genre :
Movie / Drama / Musical / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Robert Diaz Leroy
Writer :
Robert Diaz Leroy
Type :
Time :
1h 27min
Rating :

Countdown 2 Zero is a retro 50's Sci-Fiction , music driven, movie. The year is 1955. McCarthy's America has fanned the fires of the fear mongers consuming much of the citizenry. The US ... See full summary

Countdown 2 Zero (2010) Online

Countdown 2 Zero is a retro 50's Sci-Fiction , music driven, movie. The year is 1955. McCarthy's America has fanned the fires of the fear mongers consuming much of the citizenry. The US Government feels that is must execute extreme measures to stem the tide of radical ideas. A paranoid Federal Government 'outlaws music'. Violators are imprisoned. America's fascistic actions set the stage for the earth to be invaded. The invading extraterrestrial hunts down humans by tracking them through the sound waves of their speech, making puppets of his victims. The population of the world to told that they must remain silent or fall to the alien. The Alien discovers one of America's dark secrets about the Atomic bombing of Japan. Can mankind be saved?
Credited cast:
Al Gomez Al Gomez - Federal AgentsSumner