This is a story of a young man lost in the woods and after wandering aimlessly around finally comes to a log cabin situated in a clearing. He knocks at the door, which is opened by a ... See full summary
His Daughter's Legacy (1910) Online

This is a story of a young man lost in the woods and after wandering aimlessly around finally comes to a log cabin situated in a clearing. He knocks at the door, which is opened by a beautiful girl and he explains his predicament; her father in the meantime appears upon the scene and hears his story, invites him to accept their hospitality for the night. From the instant of meeting the young lady his admiration is plainly shown. The following morning the young hunter asks the father to allow him to stay a few days, that he will pay well for his board. The father being a back woodsman and having little of this world's goods consents. After breakfast the father takes his gun from the wall and invites the young man to accompany him, but he declines, preferring to remain near the cabin. The father kisses the girl and departs with gun over his shoulder. After the girl finishes her housework the young hunter invites her to take a walk. As they walk through the woods he describes city life, ...