» » Mr. Inquisitive (1911)

Mr. Inquisitive (1911) Online

Mr. Inquisitive (1911) Online
Original Title :
Mr. Inquisitive
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Type :
Rating :

Mr. Inquisitive was one of those good creatures who believe in learning something new every day. One day he saw a milkman performing his labors and started to investigate personally just ... See full summary

Mr. Inquisitive (1911) Online

Mr. Inquisitive was one of those good creatures who believe in learning something new every day. One day he saw a milkman performing his labors and started to investigate personally just how the milk was poured out, with the result that it was all poured over him. The next thing he saw was a steam shovel at work. He did not quite understand how that was operated, so he proceeded to look into the matter, with the result that the machine gathered him up together with the rest of the dirt. He then wandered into the Wild West show, and tried to discover how to throw a lasso. The cowboys handled him even more roughly than the steam shovel.

Released as a split reel along with the comedy The Lost Horse (1911).