» » Traumrevue (1959)

Traumrevue (1959) Online

Traumrevue (1959) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Musical
Year :
Directror :
Eduard von Borsody
Cast :
Waltraut Haas,Teddy Reno,Susi Nicoletti
Writer :
Kurt E. Walter,Eduard von Borsody
Type :
Time :
1h 41min
Rating :
Traumrevue (1959) Online

Cast overview, first billed only:
Waltraut Haas Waltraut Haas - Lieschen Müller
Teddy Reno Teddy Reno - Tonio Pozzi
Susi Nicoletti Susi Nicoletti - Frau Schmitt
Michael Cramer Michael Cramer - Walter Reiser
Ursula Herking Ursula Herking - Anna Reiser
Ingrid Wendl Ingrid Wendl - Herself
Eva Pawlik Eva Pawlik - Ilona Karoly, berühmter Eisstar
Arno Paulsen Arno Paulsen - Hugo Liebling, Direktor
Hans Richter Hans Richter - Ferdy Nuschler, Pressefotograf
Jo Herbst Jo Herbst - Bruno Flitzke
Lizzi Holzschuh Lizzi Holzschuh - Bardame
Emmy Puzinger Emmy Puzinger - Eisläufer
Fernand Leemars Fernand Leemars - Eisläuferin
Rudi Seeliger Rudi Seeliger - Eisläufer
Herbert Bobek Herbert Bobek - Eisläufer

User reviews



Traumrevue ("Revue Of Dreams", 1959) is a historical figure-skating document showing three European Champions from Austria (Eva Pawlik, Hanna Eigel, Ingrid Wendl) and the world-class professional couples Emmy Puzinger/Fernand Leemans (acrobatics) and Eva Pawlik/Rudi Seeliger (opening the final Viennese Waltz) on the ice. After the movies Frühling auf dem Eis ("Spring On The Ice" with Eva Pawlik, 1950) and Symphonie in Gold ("Golden Symphony", 1956) Traumrevue was the third movie presenting the legendary Wiener Eisrevue (Vienna Ice Revue) that was dominating the European ice-show business for many years.

The story line: The unknown figure skater Lieschen Müller (played by famous Austrian actress Waltraut Haas) pretends to be the fictitious Hungarian ice-skating star Ilona Karoly. The swindle comes out as the real Ilona Karoly (played by Eva Pawlik) appears.

Eva Pawlik was Waltraut Haas' double on the ice on the one hand. According to her role in the frame story, she also skated as Ilona Karoly on the other hand. Reviewers considered Eva Pawlik's free program (music: Fascination by Marchetti) the figure-skating culmination of the movie.