» » Max cherche une fiancée (1910)

Max cherche une fiancée (1910) Online

Max cherche une fiancée (1910) Online
Original Title :
Max cherche une fiancée
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Cast :
Max Linder,Jacques Vandenne,Paulette Lorsy
Writer :
Max Linder
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Max makes a great hit with two sisters, but is undecided as to which one he likes the best, and when he attempts to ascertain what the feelings are of the two young ladies, his ... See full summary

Max cherche une fiancée (1910) Online

Max makes a great hit with two sisters, but is undecided as to which one he likes the best, and when he attempts to ascertain what the feelings are of the two young ladies, his embarrassment is so great he gives up in despair. Finally he prepares a little verse and drops two copies where the girls can find them, little thinking that they would show them to each other. This they do, however, and decide to be avenged. They write him to meet them at the mountain top and hide in a big barrel until they arrive. Max obeys and when they do finally come they quickly clamp the barrel top in place, and turning the barrel on its side, give it a shove and away it goes, landing finally in a swift stream. Here it floats rapidly along, over rapids and falls, and at last out to sea, and here Max breaks the top off and looks about him. In the barrel he finds a carrier pigeon placed there by the girls before they put the top on; so scribbling a note he fastens it on the bird which flies away to its ...
Cast overview:
Max Linder Max Linder - Max
Jacques Vandenne Jacques Vandenne
Paulette Lorsy Paulette Lorsy

Released in the US as a split reel along with the comedy After the Boxing Bout (1911).

User reviews

Steamy Ibis

Steamy Ibis

Before the rise of Charlie Chaplin, the world's favorite film comic was a man whom Chaplin called 'The Professor', Pathe's Max Linder. In hundreds of short comedies through the Teens, Max played a Parisian boulevardier, usually in search of love, and, despite obstacles, largely successful. Not, however, in this one.

In this one, he is on vacation and wooing a young lady, but she and her cousin decide to play a trick on him, by getting him inside a barrel, and then tossing it into the ocean. There's lots of camera trickery in this one, but what makes this a typically graceful and amusing comedy is Max's sang-froid on discovering himself adrift at sea. Like almost all of Linder's comedies, short and well worth the few minutes of your time that it asks for.