Edwin Blake, a struggling young author, toils day and night in writing his new play, and is making rapid progress, when suddenly he is taken ill, and is forced to retire to his bed. During ... See full summary
Arte e devozione (1912) Online

Edwin Blake, a struggling young author, toils day and night in writing his new play, and is making rapid progress, when suddenly he is taken ill, and is forced to retire to his bed. During the long days of sickness, Helen, the landlady's daughter, offers her gentle sympathy to the impatient invalid, and listens with close attention as he explains the story of his play. She is greatly interested and longs to try her talents along this line. Seeing her friend in despair at not being able to finish his work, she is suddenly struck with an idea and her purpose formed, she carries the manuscript off to her room. By working almost continually for several days, the girl manages to complete the play, and confident of the quality of her work, she delivers it in Edwin's name to the theatrical manager. As it turns out, the play proves the success of the season. When Edwin grows better, he is at first unable to understand why he is to be congratulated, but the truth soon begins to dawn upon him, ...
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